jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

God is always on your guard tower.

Oct. 11
To you, my dearest daughters, I say your good will is your vineyard, the tank is perfectly holy inspirations of God rains down from the sky, the tower is the holy chastity, which, as is said of the Tower of David should be of ivory, the press is obedience, which brings a lot of merit to the actions she squeezes, the fence are your commitments and your aspirations.
God, then, daughters, keep this vineyard he planted with his own hand. God made ​​them more and more abundant healthy waters of his grace in his tank. God is always on your guard tower. God is always doing spinning the press to squeeze out the good wine, and having this beautiful gated and guarded fence with which he has surrounded this vineyard. He does that in it the angels are the tenants immortal.
May 1, 1918, the sisters Ventrella - Ep. III, p. 585)

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