viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Stand firm in your decisions

5 October
Stand firm in your decisions, remains in the boat in which our Lord made ​​you, that although the storm comes, you shall not perish. I think Jesus sleeps, and it may be so, but do not you know, if he sleeps, his heart timely care of you? Let him even to sleep, then wake up at the right time to bring calm. The beloved San Pedro, says the Scripture, was frightened and trembling cried, "Lord, save me." And our Lord, taking his hand, said, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?". Look, Daughter, this holy apostle: he walks on dry land on the water, the waves and winds dip would not know, but fear the wind and the waves discouraged, weighs it down. Fear is a worse evil than evil itself. Daughter of little faith, what can you fear? Did not he care about you? You walk on the sea, find winds and waves, but being with Jesus is not enough? What do you fear? But if fear surprise you, shout loudly: "Lord, save me." He will extend his hand, squeeze tightly and walks with joy over the sea from the storms of life.
(December 27, 1917, at an unknown target - Ep. III, p. 927)

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