martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Elevate your spirit to a higher peak.

Oct. 10
Why not amoldaros perfectly know God's will? Why do you think you are almost without a shepherd, just because he is away in the body but very close in spirit?Oh, my dearest daughter, is already time to leave this spiritual childhood and lift the spirit to a higher peak and breathe cleaner air there.
As for me, I am here, where I still see no more than a slight movement of the soul toward solid and true devotion and Christian piety, so that, if it were not crushed by this blessed thorn neither voice nor my efforts and assertions have been remove my guide, I find peace in a enviable. But I am resigned willingly, knowing they do not suffer unnecessarily.
God bless you, has let me know that truly good souls, and to them I have announced that their souls are the Lord's vineyard: the cistern is faith, the tower is the hope, the press is the holy charity, the fence is the law of God that separates the world's children.
(May 1, 1918, the sisters Ventrella - Letters. III, p. 585)

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