August 31
It is true that the temptations to which I am subject are many, but I trust in divine providence that I will not fall into the snares of the tempter. It is also true that Jesus frequently hides, but who cares! I helped by you, will seek to follow Jesus always near, as you assured me that there are dropouts but love jokes.
Oh, how I wish at this time to have someone to help me moderate the cravings and the flames of concern at that moment my heart!
(September 4, 1910, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 197)
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012
jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012
Nothing out of love and desire suffer.
August 30
By God, I still always feeling ill. But what torments me is those strong and sharp pains in the chest. At times it troublesome so strong that it seems to want to tear up the back and chest. But Jesus, from time to time, it does sweeten my sufferings differently: talking to the heart.Oh, yes, my father, how good Jesus is with me!Oh, what are these precious moments!, Is a happiness that does not know what to compare it is a happiness that the Lord gives me like almost alone in suffering.
At these times, more than any other, especially in the world bores me and weighs me, nothing out of desire to love and suffer. Yes, my father, also in the midst of so much suffering I am happy, because I seem to feel that my heart beats with Jesus. Imagine, then, the huge solace of a heart that knows, almost certainly having Jesus.
(September 4, 1910, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 197)
lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012
Rest easy!
August 27
Oh, beloved daughter of Jesus, we were in our hands, we would fall forever and never would be standing, hence, humble yourself before the sweet thought of being in the arms of Jesus divine, which is the best of fathers, as a toddler in their mothers' arms, and rest quiet, believing that where you are led by the best of it.What fear can have when you are confident of being in his arms so soft, and when our whole being is devoted to God?!
(March 29, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 60)
viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012
Jesus will not let a single moment
August 24
Unfortunately, you have every reason to scare you if you want to engage the fight with all your might, but know that Jesus does not let a single moment, must serve a great comfort. God himself tells us that he is with the afflicted and troubled: "I am with him in tribulation," he lowers himself up to wipe the tears from his eyes. Take comfort, then, thinking that after this darkness so thick, the sun will shine on a beautiful afternoon: that light behold with our heavenly Bridegroom with a very simple and pure look. Do not want to imagine, my dear sister, that you are something like an abandoned by the Lord and there is no salvation for you. Rejects that feeling, that comes from our common enemy.
(January 23, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 304)
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
¡How beatiful it is becoming a victim of love!
August 23
Last Friday I was in the church in thanksgiving after Mass, when suddenly I felt hurt the heart by a dart of fire so ardent that I thought alive and die. I lack the words to make him understand the intensity of that flame, I am able to express myself quite unable to. Do you? The soul, a victim of these consolations, becomes silent. It seemed that an invisible force plunged me wholly into the fire. My God, what fire!How sweet!
Of these transports of love I have felt many different time and have stayed out of this world. The other times there was a fire, but it was less intense this time, however, a moment, a second, and my soul would have been separated from the body ... would have walked with Jesus.
Oh, how beautiful it is becoming a victim of love!
(August 26, 1912, Father Agustin de San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 299)
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012
He lives with humility
August 22
He lives with humility, gentleness, and love of our heavenly Bridegroom, and do not worry about not being able to remember all your little faults so that they can confess. No, child, it is not appropriate to grieve over this, because, as you fall often without realizing it, in the same way, without you noticing, you get up.
Remember that in the passage, on which we have so often spoken, says that not just looks or realizes that falls seven times a day, but falls seven times a day, and, as it falls seven times, you get up without engaging in it. Be sure, then, that it disturb you, honestly and humility manifests what you remember, and entrust to the sweet mercy of God, who puts his hand under those who fall without malice, to not do evil or injured, and the up and encouraged so quickly that they do not realize that they have fallen, because the divine hand has collected the fall, nor did they have raised, because they have been raised so quickly that neither have been thinking about it.
(October 18, 1917, the sisters Campanile - Letters. III, p. 943)
martes, 21 de agosto de 2012
The heart must always be oriented towards God
August 21
A few days ago I was thinking about what some say of gulls, small birds, which nest in the sea beach. They build their nests round and it is understood that sea water can not enter. At the top of the nest is an opening, which can receive the air. There gulls housed their young, they can safely swim and float on the waves without getting water or immersed. The air we breathe by opening counterbalances and balance, so that the small eddies never end up dumping the nest.
My dear children, how I wish that your hearts are such that, at the sides are closed, so that if the blows and the storms of the world, the flesh and the devil you surprised, fail to penetrate into; and no other opening than that of the sky, to suck and breathe our Lord Jesus.
And this nest, children, for whom would have if not for chicks of one who has done everything for love of God, led by divine and celestial inclinations? But while the gulls build their nests and chicks are still too tender to withstand the blows of the waves, God cares and has compassion on them, preventing the sea to immerse.
(January 18, 1918, the novices - Letters. IV, p. 366)
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
Always be honest with the one to take care of their spiritual diseases
August 20I urge you, my dear children, to care for your heart with all diligence. Try to keep the peace, controlling your temper. I do not say, listen well, keep the peace, but I say that ye keep: it is important to your desire, and beware that good cause for concern is the inability to control the variety of feelings and your temperament.Learn well what the cloister, lest you deceive you bear. Academy is the necessary correction, in which the soul must learn to be working, brushing and polishing, so that, being well-polished and straightened, can join and engage the will of God. The password clear of perfection is wanting to be corrected, because this is the main fruit of humility, which leads us to recognize that we need the correction.The cloister is a spiritual hospital patients, who want to be cured, and to achieve this, are subjected to bleeding, the knife, the knife, iron, fire and all the drawbacks of the medicines. In the early Church, the religious were called with a name meaning doctor. My children, you also doctors and do not listen to what you might suggest self against, and, sweet, kind and loving, take this decision: either die or heal. And, because no one wants to die spiritually, choose healing. And, to cure you, accept and suffer correction care, doctors and beg you not soul deprived of any means that you can achieve healing. Always be honest with you have to heal your spiritual diseases.
(January 18, 1918, the novices - Letters. IV, p. 366)
(January 18, 1918, the novices - Letters. IV, p. 366)
viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012
He is inside and out!
August 17
Is that bitterness is sweet and gentle love its weight, since you say that, feeling the immense passion, you have no way of supporting it? It's small your heart, but is capable of expanding, and when you can no longer contain the greatness of the Beloved and resist the immense violence, fear not because he is in and out, and when spilled on the inside, hold the walls. As open shell in the ocean, you drink your fill and you're surrounded by an abundance far beyond your capacity.
Soon you will not be inexperienced in the new outbursts of Love, and their assaults will no longer be unsustainable. Trained to their known darts, the call to battle and fight, like Jacob with the angel, without ever being demolished.
(July 29, 1920, to Jerónima Longo - Letters. III, p. L031)
Is that bitterness is sweet and gentle love its weight, since you say that, feeling the immense passion, you have no way of supporting it? It's small your heart, but is capable of expanding, and when you can no longer contain the greatness of the Beloved and resist the immense violence, fear not because he is in and out, and when spilled on the inside, hold the walls. As open shell in the ocean, you drink your fill and you're surrounded by an abundance far beyond your capacity.
Soon you will not be inexperienced in the new outbursts of Love, and their assaults will no longer be unsustainable. Trained to their known darts, the call to battle and fight, like Jacob with the angel, without ever being demolished.
(July 29, 1920, to Jerónima Longo - Letters. III, p. L031)
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
"I am a mystery to me"
August 16
What I can say about me? I am a mystery to myself and, if reluctant, it's because the good Lord has reserved the last and sure word to the authority of this land, so there is no safer rule that the will and desire of the top. This authority abandoned me as a child in the arms of the mother, and I hope and trust in God that I be mistaken, but my sense leads me to believe the opposite.
My father, when the sun shine in the firmament of my soul?Woe is me, I am lost in the tall, deep night I go through. I'd rather not talk about this, it is unimportant to me, and all I crave is that God comes to give me the final blow.
(August 15, 1916, Father Augustine of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 798)
miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012
Our Lady comfort you and deliver you from all harm
August 15
The Blessed Virgin, of which the whole Church today celebrates his ascension into heaven, as always you comfort and free from all danger!Who can thank it deserves continuing reports, always optimal, which until now has been giving me? I lack the words to do it, but it makes up the heart of everything.Me and the chosen souls accompany him everywhere with earnest and continuous prayer to Jesus. We all share their bitter situation, we all live in his own life, and all the happy look groans when the sweet Lord allows us to embrace it again.Value!, Father, that day will soon arrive, and will be when we least expect it. This beautiful day is already close, and happy souls will scream with joy "is the Lord who made it." All of us will join them to sing this song of praise to God eternal, because it will appear "miraculous in our eyes", the triumph of justice over evil.That beautiful day approaching, can not be but the work of one God, and God made the resurrection of many and to win glory Thank God!All souls that walk you well know "in holiness and righteousness before the Lord." Praise God for all this.
(August 15, 1916, Father Augustine of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 798)
martes, 14 de agosto de 2012
Fear not if you feel numb in meditation
August 14
Fear not if you feel numb in meditation, in prayer, in all other practices of piety, if you feel you're still tied to the creatures, if still experiencing the struggle between the old man and the new man, if you see yourself surrounded weaknesses, for taking all this against your will, not only is there no guilt about it, but it is for you a source of merit.
These are the tests of the soul to whom God loves with a taste and you want to try when you see the strength to keep fighting and woven with his own hands the crown of glory.
(January 1919, the sisters Campanile - Letters. III, p. 989)
lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012
God stands for the soul
August 13
On another occasion, the handmaid of the Lord [Clare] came to miss the oil, so that he could not prepare food for the sick sisters. Then S. Clara, a teacher of humility, she took the bowl, washed his hands, and placed in the hollow of the wall prepared for this purpose, so that it could take beggar brother. Then he called to go in search of oil. Brother Bentivenga quickly remedy the need of the poor sisters. But before he arrived, the vessel was found full of oil, by divine mercy, which already had the appeal of S. Clara, obedient to the mandate of the Holy Father [San Francisco] to worry about his poor daughters. And thinking about the good brother that he had called in vain, he lamented, these sisters may have called me to make fun of me because the vessel is full. We searched around who could have brought the oil, but no one was found. Thus the Lord miraculously came to the aid of those who had left everything for him, and folded obedient to the will of his wife, begging him with purity and faith that carries the mountains.We also ask our dear Jesus humility, trust and faith in our dear saint, as she, fervently pray to Jesus, abandon ourselves in it, away from this lying machine of the world, where everything is folly and vanity, where everything passes, only God remains for the soul, if it has been able to love well. (December 30, 1921, Graciela Pannullo - Letters. III, p. 1087)
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012
Live in peace and your sufferings live in peace
August 10
Now understand, my dear child, why you've chosen the soul divine love can not be selfish in the Heart of Jesus, but also feels burned by charity towards the brothers, who often makes the soul is melted of love. But how can all this happen? Daughter is not hard to understand, because the soul, not to live your own life and live for Jesus, who lives in it, must feel, want and live the same feelings, desires and life that he lives in it. And you know, my dear daughter, you know, I say, although I've learned later, what feelings and what desires to God and humanity, was and is animated the heart of this divine Master. Also melts your heart with love for God and others want to know nothing of him, because here's the joy of God. Live peacefully and your suffering you live in peace. (May 31, 1918, the sisters Campanile - Letters. III, p. 961)
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012
God grant you grow!
August 8
In Rome I saw a tree that is said was planted by the patriarch St. Dominic, many will see it for devotion and love cherished for who planted it. Similarly, having seen me in the tree you desire for holiness, that God Himself has planted in your soul, I love him dearly. Thinking about it, I'm glad now that when you were here. Therefore, I urge you to do the same and tell me: God grant you grow, beautiful tree planting, seed divine God make you want to produce your fruit in abundance. When you have produced, please God preserve annoying wind, pulling all the fruit to the ground, where the animals will devour the indiscreet. My dear children, this desire must be for you like the orange on the coast of Genoa, so have those who have seen, are most of the year while full of fruits, flowers and leaves. Because your desires must always bear fruit, every time that you present to do something along the day, without ever ceasing its objects and want to go further. And these desires are the flowers of the tree of your efforts, the leaves are the repeated acceptance of your weaknesses, which hold both good works and the good wishes. (January 18, 1918, the novices - Letters.IV, p. 366)
martes, 7 de agosto de 2012
Who will rescue me from myself?
August 7
My soul is fully committed to the clear picture of my misery!My God, I stand so sad spectacle to withdraw from me your ray of light reflected, because I can not resist so obvious contrast. Father, I see all my iniquity and my ingratitude at its best, I see my old man crouched, wounded himself, he seems to want to give back to God his absence, denying their rights, when it is your obligation to give them first.What force is needed to get him out!My God, come quickly to my aid, for fear I have of myself, treacherous and ungrateful creature to his Creator, who protects his powerful enemies! I did not know to take advantage of your splendid favors, and now I am condemned to live in my helplessness, hunched over myself, lost, while your hand is crushing me with increasing force.Alas! Who will rescue me from myself? Who will bring me out of this body of death? Who will tend my hand lest I see wrapped and swallowed by the vast and deep ocean? I have to resign myself to be caught by the storm that haunts me more and more? Will you need to ask yourself before say the mysterious character that left me totally wounded, and that does not give up on his hard, rough, sharp and penetrating action, and, leaving no time to heal old wounds, and is opening up on them new ones with infinite tears of the poor victim?Ah, dear father, come to my aid, for charity! Everything inside me raining blood, and often have to look resigned to her also run out.Oh, stop me this tear, this conviction, this humiliation, this confusion! I have no strength to resist power and knowledge. (October 17, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1089)
lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012
August 6
Good of my soul, where are you? Where have you gone to hide? Where to find it again? Where to find you? Do not you see, Jesus, my soul, come what may, I want to feel? We are looking everywhere, but do not let it find the intensity of your anger, filling of the greatest confusion and bitterness to give to understand what she gives you and what you you belong.Who can express the gravity of my situation?! What we understand in the reflection of your light, I can not speak human words, and when I try to mean something stammering, the soul realizes he's wrong and that it does not correspond at all to the truth of the facts.Well my, do you have deprived you forever? I have wanted to scream and grieve with my voice, but I'm very weak and did not accompany the forces. And meanwhile, what I can do other than raise your throne this lament: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? ... (October 17, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 1089)
Bring your mind and think and contemplate the scene of the Transfiguration. Look to Christ in all his glory and majesty of his divinity, transfigured on Mount Tabor; humbly ask Him to grant you the grace to see and to enjoy supreme and in heaven, but feeling in your soul the consolation of eternal life right now.If anyone would come after me and take up his cross and follow meChrist was transfigured before his disciples to give testimony to the glory that was within him and that he owned before the creation of the world, but also to let what was actually a glimpse of the reality of his personality, divinity. His divinity is that which authenticates as the Son of God, beloved, beloved. The reason for his transfiguration was also to convince the disciples that if they remained faithful to Jesus Christ and his passion, would be filled with the same glory and divinity of the Master.It was somehow the guarantee that Jesus was at the time of bearing the cross, Jesus knew that by leaving between-see the glory of the Father, and was encouraging them to carry the cross, and also encourages us to us. Jesus also wanted them to understand that this life is not all pain, all is not sadness, not all evil, but this life and this world is also steeped in the glory of God and each carry within us the glory and project and we disclose it according to the depth of the relationship we have with God.This leads us to confirm that the life to which God invites us through Jesus Christ tells us: "Whosoever will come after me and take up his cross and follow me" (cf. Lk 9.22 to 25) is a cross not at all bitter or heavy, unbearable, but a sweet cross, marked by gifts of the spirit, this makes soft the yoke and burden light. This enables us to carry it to the summit of Calvary, to the complete surrender of ourselves and to give his life for others.On the other hand, we must meditate on the time when our Saviour made known to the disciples his glory. The weather was just six days after having preached and invited all to carry the cross, making the promise that some would see it in his glory, in his kingdom. This promise being fulfilled almost immediately. Now Peter, James and John are watching the glory of God and wanting to stay there.As to the place we can point out the mountain, a high mountain section, away from distractions. That is a very appropriate and timely for prayer. It was necessary to save in the most intimate secrets of the heart, loved pearls. God usually does not grant these favors to people living in the hustle and bustle of the world but in the solitude of seclusion and separation of the manicured grounds and lifted up to God's grace, taking care to lead a life of evangelical perfection living a full life in the Spirit. Feel like? Up the high hill and see the glory of the Father.Missionary Capuchin Friar .
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012
I will not cease to cry for help
August 4
I will not cease to cry for help, but, oh God, that hand has not been useless father again for this blind eternal death and blindness? Save your help, I'm about to say, for those who can seize it, I feel very strong burden of responsibility to the value of it. What might help is not useless because my case is really hopeless? Confuses me too see that more and more hostile conflict between light and projecting my spirit that I offer you soft, my guide. I detect in myself the truth that I have almost no strength to keep fighting, I'm starving at a table richly stocked, I burn with thirst in the fountain of pure water flowing ... what else? The light blinds me clarify before. How is it possible? I'm tired of tire the guide, and aid and obedience alone serve me not to abandon support for a complete withdrawal. Under this obedience I hesitate to express what happened to me since the day five in the afternoon and throughout the sixth of this month. (August 21, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1061)
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
He was and is everything to me
August 3
Despair all, but not one that is life, truth and way, and I ask him everything and he abandoned me, because he was and is everything to me.Woe is me, my Good!, I would be all yours if I knew forever bow down to your alluring flattery, but at last I should bend to what I would not break me, should I bend before this sad but always true truth, which is the one and only given to me: perhaps you should miss me forever. Father, I cry, I am beside myself and I go by what I see and feel. The vain attempts to hold on to what I said my guide and obedience, I am led to a situation of real fear and discouragement, but I reject me and suffocation in his first assault. (August 21, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1061)
jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012
I am crucified with love!
August 2
There are times when it seems to me die, and indeed is a miracle of divine mercy that I continue to live. I die in every moment I am crucified love. Should, in spite of myself, resultarme delicious, but what do you want?, My spirit is still hungry for more ordinary food. Step, especially at night, in the arms of extreme anxiety to see proof that puts me in danger of losing everything. This excruciating period of mortification and test, added these to the regular ones, believe me, my Raffaelina often oppresses me and I feel crushed under but so huge. Sometimes I think it is a divine punishment for my countless infidelities to the divine goodness of His Divine Majesty, so that I find useless all prayers. Unfortunately, I deserve to be punished, but is it possible that the mercy of the Heavenly Father must be overcome by my iniquity? No, that will never happen.Live Jesus! He is with us and have nothing to fear. (March 25, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 373)
miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012
Trust in God!
August 1
Daughters, live quiet, follow the way in which God has placed you, and desire with all diligence to have satisfied and happy holy Jesus, suffering for love of the abandonment of his Father, and for which he is the Father the sky, wanted you to be accompanied. And, as a bee produces honey carefully holy devotion, wax fabricad domestic work, because if one component contributes to taste sweetness of Christ, while living in the world is fed, eat says writing, butter and honey, the other tends to her greater glory, because it serves to make candles for the edification of others. God, who hath taken special care of the hand, guide you to the port of eternal salvation, trust him and not fear. (January 2, 1918, to Antoinette Vona - Letters. III, p. 832)
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