jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Nothing out of love and desire suffer.

August 30
By God, I still always feeling ill. But what torments me is those strong and sharp pains in the chest. At times it troublesome so strong that it seems to want to tear up the back and chest. But Jesus, from time to time, it does sweeten my sufferings differently: talking to the heart.Oh, yes, my father, how good Jesus is with me!Oh, what are these precious moments!, Is a happiness that does not know what to compare it is a happiness that the Lord gives me like almost alone in suffering.
At these times, more than any other, especially in the world bores me and weighs me, nothing out of desire to love and suffer. Yes, my father, also in the midst of so much suffering I am happy, because I seem to feel that my heart beats with Jesus. Imagine, then, the huge solace of a heart that knows, almost certainly having Jesus.
(September 4, 1910, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 197)

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