lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

God stands for the soul

August 13
On another occasion, the handmaid of the Lord [Clare] came to miss the oil, so that he could not prepare food for the sick sisters. Then S. Clara, a teacher of humility, she took the bowl, washed his hands, and placed in the hollow of the wall prepared for this purpose, so that it could take beggar brother. Then he called to go in search of oil. Brother Bentivenga quickly remedy the need of the poor sisters. But before he arrived, the vessel was found full of oil, by divine mercy, which already had the appeal of S. Clara, obedient to the mandate of the Holy Father [San Francisco] to worry about his poor daughters. And thinking about the good brother that he had called in vain, he lamented, these sisters may have called me to make fun of me because the vessel is full. We searched around who could have brought the oil, but no one was found. Thus the Lord miraculously came to the aid of those who had left everything for him, and folded obedient to the will of his wife, begging him with purity and faith that carries the mountains.We also ask our dear Jesus humility, trust and faith in our dear saint, as she, fervently pray to Jesus, abandon ourselves in it, away from this lying machine of the world, where everything is folly and vanity, where everything passes, only God remains for the soul, if it has been able to love well. (December 30, 1921, Graciela Pannullo - Letters. III, p. 1087)

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