viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Consumete to please God

Dec. 14
Continued consumiéndote in that ardent desire to please him: and he that is so good and not look too closely, reward those holy desires, making you grow and advance in his paths holy.
Experience all to himself, away from you forever all those useless thoughts that fill the heart of vanity and confuse and obfuscate the understanding.
In all your actions, even in the most indifferent, looking earnestly perform them with the right intention of pleasing God, rejecting even the smallest desire of the good itself. What most valuable asset for the soul that please the Lord?
In relation to yourself, always have a humble attitude, convinced that all the services that the soul can offer to God, even if they are many, are always little, and if achieved honor and merit, it is by the grace of the Lord.
(September 12, 1915, to Anita Rodote - Letters. III, p 98).

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