sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

The Lord and the Blessed Virgin ever make you worthy of eternal glory

Dec. 22
I wish you happy holidays again the Holy Child with all your precious family. The Lord and the Blessed Virgin ever make you worthy of eternal glory. With this faith and with these sentiments, I wish you all happy holidays from the beautiful Holy Child Jesus' birth, and fervent hope that I can repeat for as long as possible in life, and always growing charity, which is the queen and mother of all virtues.
Oh, how sublime is the beautiful virtue of charity that brought us the Christ Child! Everyone should carry in your heart, and especially those who profess holiness. This holiness the Lord, without any merit on your part, called you, and if it is true that I see you on track in charity, why not leave to invite you to follow continuously advancing every day in it.
  (December 22, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 280)

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