jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012

Jesus receives his embrace, a kiss that sanctifies you and save you.

Dec. 27I encourage you to join me and me closer to Jesus for his embrace, a kiss that sanctifies us and save us. Listen to that effect to the holy King David, who invites devoutly kiss the Son: "Kiss the Son", for this son of the royal prophet speaks here is none other than that of which the prophet Isaiah said: "A child has born, a son given to us: Puer Natus Est Nobis, filius datus est nobis. "This child, Raffaelina, is one loving brother, that our souls beloved husband, the wife of the sacred Song, faithful soul figure, the company sought and longed for his kisses divine 'you would give me a brother My, you look and kiss you. Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth. " This son is Jesus, and how to kiss without betrayal of clasp him in our arms without trap him how to give the kiss and the embrace of grace and love, waiting for us, and we promise to return, is, according St. Bernard, serve with true affection, holy deeds done in their heavenly doctrines, we profess with words.Let us not, therefore, to kiss that way to this divine Son, because if you are like the kisses that we give now, he will, as promised, full of mercy and love, come to take her in his arms, to give the kiss of peace in the last rites at the time of death, and so end our life with the Lord's holy kiss; admirable kiss of divine condescension, in which, in the words of St. Bernard, not about face to face, mouth to mouth, but mutually bind for all eternity with the creature creator, man with God.
(March 30, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 482)

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