jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

God comes to meet us

Dec. 20
My beloved father, Holy Christmas approaching, I find that a duty of conscience urges me not pass up without deseársela full of all those heavenly comforts you desire in your heart. Although I have always prayed for you, that person was and is very dear to me, these days I will certainly redouble my prayers to the heavenly Child, deign to preserve him from all disgrace in this world, especially the misfortune to lose Child Jesus.
My poor health continues its course with his best and worst moments. I suffer, it is true, and I suffer a lot, but I'm happy because, even in the midst of suffering, the Lord never ceases to make me experience an indescribable joy.
  (December 20, 1910, Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 208)

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