lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Remember me in your prayers

Dec. 10
Continue, my good sisters and daughters, reminding me the treasure of your prayers, especially at this time when I'm going through a tough test, and be assured that I will continue to want strongly and spiritual health to the body, in addition to that grace you already know.In my poor, yes, but also repeated prayers, I will not forget you or how many I make it I do love you. Jesus and the Blessed Virgin will be worthy to grant eternal glory. With this faith and hope, I wish you all the goods of heaven.Now go to your spiritual needs. These perplexities of mind that are going to experience malignant wiles of the tempter, and God allows them, not because they hate you, but because he loves you. It is reprehensible feeling, but consent. And I encourage you in the sweet Lord to be quiet, as neither offend you in the Lord and that the Lord hides to punish your infidelities, which I declare in the name and in virtue of holy obedience, you are not given in at least made with full knowledge and strong will.
(December 11, 1916, the sisters Ventrella - Letters. III, p. 548)Persons engaged in the "things of God" and the establishment of His Kingdom, co often suffer from the attacks of the enemy for the good they do in God's Name. The frustrations, pain, suffering, misunderstanding and loneliness are eaten every day for the chosen souls. How valuable is the soul that aspires to perfection and that force of the blow of the hammer on the sincel is being left increasingly to sculpt the likeness of the Master, Lord and Sovereign God. He himself is the architect and sculptor of his magnificent work that we are each and every one of those who are left modeling, mold, pet and love for Him, even at the cost of pain and suffering with the full assurance that He will be our joy and fulfillment. So always pray and not lose heart for whom He has chosen as heralds, prophets, peacemakers and sanctifying his people. We all need your prayers.

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