viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Behold te Man

Ecce Home
Behold the Man (Jn 19: 5)After our meeting last week, today I invite you my dear reader, and invited me to me too, May r of sinners to look to "The Man". Yes, behold Jesus after he appeared in the Garden of Olives, now we see him dressed in tattered purple, thick blood, yes blood pure. I contemplate with cane in hand and crowned with thorns, these tips will penetrate their atrocious divine temples. We contemplate and bring to mind the place where this happens. I see from a height shown by Pilate to the Jewish people to have mercy on him, and the people no pity. The people convicted! The people yelling! Are the people you said! The people with hellish voice shouts, "Crucify him!" "Crucify him" "Crucify," and like a lamb led to slaughter him, send him to suffer for the love that I have."Ecce Homo"Pilate enters the place where you have Jesus. I stand there and am a witness, witness and accomplice of the atrocious pain of "That Man". I witness and accomplice of the innocent and holy blood running in torrents on the floor to wash, to purify, to cleanse my sins. I still laid there how my friends make fun of him, beat him, it hurt, and I spit it ... yooo ... There!. I see a man disfigured that no aspect of Man, as someone who is not a human being but a face. His appearance is so disfigured, so hurt, so sad! I think that the mere fact that Pilate present it to people, the people will forgive him, the people will have pity of him, the people will pardon! I think to myself, but I'm still here by joining evil. Not calm the anger of the people, turns more and more.Comes Pilate, leads by the hand and one man "Man of Sorrows" can hardly stand, the weight is great and the price for my sins. Pilate takes a high place, where everyone can see, it displays to view. He is watching us, looking at me, but I will not look at him, I will not cross my eyes with yours, talk to me, whispers in my ear, but I do not want to hear. Pilate presents the people, the people shouted more insistently, "Crucify him" "Crucify him." Pilate finds no fault in this Man, all I find is that it has only done good. See the Man here is, I find no fault in him, says Pilate. Jesus is shown to all the people, poor, naked, and no one to defend him. Only Mary was there to suffer the insufferable. And then the man who was born poor and lowly in a manger, end the poor and humble, naked on a cross at the sight.Yes contémplale naked and cruelly whipped, flayed body and wounded, no part unscathed in his holy body. Has in his body the marks of passion lashes, disciplines, the cardinals. Has nothing but meat on their old rag that he had put the soldiers and not even distinguish it enters the blood pouring from his holy body and the mantle that had given him. The soldiers pulled from side to side, bind him with chains, insulted him and me, I'm still there!I contemplate wearing the crown of thorns with sharp thorns that pierce his brow divine opening lines of blood on his forehead down to her face and extends into the body. We have tied their hands shackled, as a criminal, delinquent, in the midst of his hands which cane scepter of a king.We behold with his eyes misty, watery tears that filled them out, caused by pain, suffering, helplessness at being unable to scream to the world how much we love! And I'm still there. Watching them rosy cheeks, but bloody, marred with the saliva that had spat, his beard dripping sweat blood which in full-time laborer under the midday sun.I behold all full and I realize that your legs are, trembling because of the lack of power, fear and because there was more blood in your body. I see it all humbled and bent with the weight of the shame and painWe contemplate the presence of all the people and I keep there. Pilate says, "Behold the Man". Look at him! Contémplale! Look at this man! Called King, Messiah and Son of God. He is so grounded and disfigured, that hardly seems man but Man with You, like me. Pity of it. My soul, sees this man and be merciful to His sorrowful figure.Contemplate well and then you will identify with those words of Holy Scripture: Worm I am, and no man, scorned by men and despised of the people (Ps 22.6). He, more beautiful than all the sons of men (Ps 45.2).I look and I invite you to contemplate, then, this Man-God whom many kings desired to see, so many patriarchs and prophets. Behold Him this man to hear his words because he is the Master that the Eternal Father has given us. Look at this man to imitate him and follow his steps, there is no other way to be saved but Him and only Him Look at this man to mourn and do penance, for us, our sins, crucify him. Contemplémosle as in a mirror and let beautify for Him, because only the blood of this man is able to purify and make us worthy of His Kingdom, only then will shine the beauty that we have shared since before the creation of the world.

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