viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Found a lover

March 2

 My dear father, I would like for a moment to open my heart to show him the wound that has opened lovingly sweet Jesus in my heart. He finally found a lover who has fallen for him so he does not know how to enhance that love.
In this lover you already know. He loves that never gets angry with whom he offends. No number is the number of his goodness, my heart goes with it. This heart acknowledges having absolutely nothing to boast before him. He loved me, wanted preferirme for many creatures.
And when I ask what have I done to deserve so much consolation, he smiles at me and I will repeat that such a great advocate nothing is denied. In return I ask only love, but I owe no gratitude?
Oh if I could, my father, brighten a little, just as he pleases me me! He was so in love with my heart that makes me burn with your fire divine fire of love. What is this fire that completely overwhelms me? My Father, if Jesus makes us so happy on earth, what will be in heaven?
(December 3, 1912, Father Augustine of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 316)

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