viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

If any want to take up his cross

March 16

How sublime is the sweet and gentle invitation of the Divine Master: "If anyone would come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"! It was this invitation that Teresa did say that prayer to the divine Spouse: "To suffer or die." This invitation was also made ​​to exclaim that St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi: "To suffer always and not die." It was also because of this invitation which our seraphic father St. Francis, in ecstasy, exclaimed: "It's so good I hope - that I delight in all suffering."
Far from us complain of afflictions and diseases that Jesus wants to send. Let the Divine Master in the path of Calvary loaded up our cross, and when he wants and put us on the cross, that is, keep us in bed sick, and thank Him for tengámonos fortunate for the great honor that we do, knowing that be on the cross with Jesus is an act far more perfect than that of only beholding Him on the cross.
(November 26, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 245)

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