sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Total submission

March 17
Requests with boundless trust to Jesus, with the bride in the Song of Songs, that you drag behind him and that makes you feel the fragrance of the perfume of her ointment, so you can run fully behind him, with all the forces of the powers of soul and body, wherever he goes.
I urge you again to you for sure what I have said so far, which is this: the table that should lead you to the port of salvation, the divine weapon to achieve victory, is the total submission and blind our judgment the opinion of who is in charge to lead us into the shadows, the perplexities and the battles of life. The same scripture confirms this with his infallible authority: "The obedient man sing victory."
If Jesus says, give thanks, and if you hide, also give thanks: everything is a joke of love. I wish, to reach you with the expiry of Jesus on the cross with Jesus can cry softly, "It is finished."
(May 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p 87).

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