miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012



Bring your mind and think and contemplate the scene of the Transfiguration. Look to Christ in all his glory and majesty of his divinity, transfigured on Mount Tabor; humbly ask Him to grant you the grace to see and to enjoy supreme and in heaven, but feeling in your soul the consolation of eternal life right now.If anyone would come after me and take up his cross and follow meChrist was transfigured before your disciples to give testimony to the glory that was within him and that he owned before the creation of the world, but also to let what was actually a glimpse of the reality of his personality, divinity. His divinity is that which authenticates as the Son of God, beloved, beloved. The reason for his transfiguration was also to convince the disciples that if they remained faithful to Jesus Christ and his passion, would be filled with the same glory and divinity of the Master.It was somehow the guarantee that Jesus was at the time of bearing the cross, Jesus knew that by leaving between-see the glory of the Father, and was encouraging them to carry the cross, and also encourages us to us. Jesus also wanted them to understand that this life is not all pain, all is not sadness, not all evil, but this life and this world is also steeped in the glory of God and each carry within us the glory and project and we disclose it according to the depth of the relationship we have with God.This leads us to confirm that the life to which God invites us through Jesus Christ tells us: "Whosoever will come after me and take up his cross and follow me" (cf. Lk 9.22 to 25) is a cross not at all bitter or heavy, unbearable, but a sweet cross, marked by gifts of the spirit, this makes soft the yoke and burden light. This enables us to carry it to the summit of Calvary, to the complete surrender of ourselves and to give his life for others.On the other hand, we must meditate on the time when our Saviour made known to the disciples his glory. The weather was just six days after having preached and invited all to carry the cross, making the promise that some would see it in his glory, in his kingdom. This promise being fulfilled almost immediately. Now Peter, James and John are watching the glory of God and wanting to stay there.As to the place we can point out the mountain, a high mountain section, away from distractions. That is a very appropriate and timely for prayer. It was necessary to save in the most intimate secrets of the heart, loved pearls. God usually does not grant these favors to people living in the hustle and bustle of the world but in the solitude of seclusion and separation of the manicured grounds and lifted up to God's grace, taking care to lead a life of evangelical perfection living a full life in the Spirit. Feel like? Up the high hill and see the glory of the Father.

Missionary Capuchin Friar Paul.

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