sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

Dear Father

March 31

 My beloved father, remembering the many courtesies afforded me, I think it is my sacred duty, now approaching the holy Easter, not let it pass without deseársela full of all those graces that can make you happy here on earth and blessed in heaven.
This, my father, is the omen that know him and I think it will be very pleasing. Furthermore, I will not let this solemnity, in my unworthiness, to pray to Jesus rose for her beautiful soul, if it is true that no day I do not forget to pray for you.
In these holy days, more than usual, I am tormented by this Barbablu hard. I ask, then, to pray earnestly to the Lord to not be a prisoner of this common enemy.
But God is with me and comforts, which makes me constantly like, are so sweet I could not describe them.
(March 31, 1912, at P.Benedicto of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 269)

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Sincere Desire

March 30

 My son, be convinced of this: God can reject everything a creature conceived in sin and bears the indelible imprint inherited from Adam, but can not reject in any way sincere desire to love him. Therefore, if for other reasons can not be sure of their heavenly predilection, and if they lend to host who speaks on behalf of the same God will not soothe and comfort, so you must believe at least for this sincere desire that you have to love him.
I pray thee therefore, in God's name, you will not be overcome by the fear that gross me in your letters, that is, the fear of not loving and not fear God, because I think the enemy you want to be misleading . I know, my son, that nobody can love their God with dignity. But when a soul gets all that is on their side, and does it all with good intention, and trust in divine mercy, why will reject Jesus? Is not he who has commanded us to love God with our strength? So if you have given and consecrated everything to God, if, therefore, seeks to fill your heart with God alone, and with a sincere reflection and relentless you discover the best way to serve and love, what reasons have to fear? Maybe because you can not do more? But Jesus asks you yet and therefore can not condemn. The Spirit of God blows when you want, where you want and how you want. On the other hand, you ask our good God that he do what you can not do. Tell Jesus you want a greater love for me?I have no more!Give it to me then, you and I will offer! No doubt, Jesus accepted the offering and you remain calm.
(March 29, 1918, Fray Manuel de San Marco la Catola - Letters. IV, p. 424)

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Burning Desire!

March 29

 You ask me a judgment about your love for God. But, dear child, how can you not feel this love yourself in your spirit? What else is this burning desire you manifest myself in your letter? Who has been the heart that burning desire to love the Lord? Did the holy desires do not come from him? If a soul there was nothing but a burning desire to love his God, everything is there, there is the same God, because God is not only where there is no desire for his love. Therefore, it is very quiet in relation to the existence of divine love in your heart. And if this yearning of yours are not satisfied, if you think you want more and more, without actually owning the perfect love, do not see this as a proof that you lack the love of God, appears rather that you should not say neverenough is enough, means that you can not and should not stop you on the path of divine love and holy perfection.
You know that perfect love can be expected when holding the object of this love, which in our case is the same God, so what to do are so many concerns and many discouragements useless?
Want to always want more confidence, and fear not. How can a soul that has been devoted entirely to celestial love, which seeks to please God's help, that you want and crave more and more the purest waters of this divine love, how can I say, that may one day leave of this world arid, cold, without desire of God? How can I say, that the soul leaves this world with the sign of the eternal condemnation? Is not that a contradiction? And believe everything that is not it an offense to the divine goodness, that rejects not only repentant souls, but is always in search of souls obstinate?
(March 29, 1918, Fray Manuel de San Marco la Catola - Letters. IV, p. 424)

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

I have thirst

Peace and Good

Dear readers, we are in the final stretch of Lent, we will not have another week to deepen it, we will not have another Sunday to reflect on the mysteries of our redemption from the perspective of Lent. I hope we have spent time with Jesus walked in Jerusalem and we have been able to find in this way with him and with the brothers and other followers of Jesus. Today we reflect on the words that our Lord goes still hanging on the cross. The Gospel tells us seven words of Jesus on the cross and in fifth place is the following:"I have thirst" (Jn 19, 28)Bring to mind the image of the crucified Jesus, hanging on the cross and soul and body dehydrated. Fix your mind on the cruel scene in which her lips purest He is tasting the bitterness and acidity of vinegar for His thirst offer their executioners. This is perhaps one of the most chilling cries of Christ on the cross: "I have thirst"! This is one of the most aching cries the ardent thirst that Jesus suffered, since the night before or had not drunk a drop of water. Is your anxiety to quench the thirst that produced the bloody ordeal of martyrdom that was enduring. It was certainly a thirsty body which at that time he was suffering, but also a spiritual thirst of longing for the establishment of the Kingdom of his Father here on earth. The agony and sweat of the garden, bad last night, the roads that day had made some and others, very serious pains of being hung on the cross and shedding so much blood in it, all these were causes of having dried entrails consumed virtue and tongue stuck to the palate, as he was written in Psalm 22. Jesus says: "I have thirst," as if he were among friends who want it, give him a snack to quench your thirst hurtful. Thirst unsuspected causes anxiety in the executed, especially when the forces begin to flag, the air seems to be absent, limbs are exhausted and the view is cloudy. With the thirst to be the Savior suffering so great, Jesus suffered and hid until it was to expire, and then said that we might know a little of their suffering. Thirst overwhelmed him more and, last but not least, breathing is becoming slower and the defendant can not stand the dryness you have in your throat and into her mouth. Oh living Stone and Flint fire love! As you are wounded by love to the cross rod, springs, springs, like the stone that smote Moses, a water source that can refresh your afflicted and dry tongue.San Juan knows the book of Psalms, where is the thirst of the patient just giving vinegar to soothe his anxiety (Ps 69, 22) and another passage which shows the dryness of the mouth of the righteous and the tongue sticks to the throat (Ps 22, 16). Although this passage refers to the thirsty, have no contact with the passage vocabulary Johannine (Jn 19, 28-29).It is true that the synoptic evangelists also describe how the soldiers offered Jesus vinegar to drink a sponge attached to a reed (Mt 27, 48, Mark 15, 36, Luke 23, 36), but do not mention the words of Jesus: "I have thirst," but only San Juan is the specifier and draws attention to others. Especially because San Juan underlying the use of Old Testament to proclaim that Christ fulfilled the old messianic promises, thus accentuating the sense of interpreting the Old Testament, Christ, to explain its mystery as divine word.So we connect to other sed: the spiritual thirst. Seeing Jesus had already fulfilled all things to do and all that He had said and announced the prophets, but lacked drinking vinegar. Here we discover three virtues of the Lord: 1 st. Insatiable thirst for obedience, with which he wished to fulfill the will of God until the end. Most loving Jesus, whose delicacy and drink was the will of your Father! Give me this thirst for obedience so fervent, not quench it out where ever, but by the Divine Will of My Father. 2 nd. Insatiable thirst for an endearing desire to suffer for our love. My Redeemer, grant me the grace to have an unwavering thirst pain for my sins and always alive and growing desire to suffer for my brothers, especially by those who least want to convert to Thee. 3 rd. Insatiable thirst for salvation. Jesus and the shedding of his blood pure and your passion to redeem mankind. My redeemer. Sweet Love of my soul. Grant me the grace to offer together with You to the Father for the salvation of mankind. That no person coming in contact with me, whatever the cause is lost! Amen.
Capuchin Friar Paul Missionary

Two Tears

March 28

On Friday morning, was still in bed when Jesus appeared to me. I was very sad and disfigured. He showed me a great multitude of priests, religious and secular, among whom were several church officials, some were celebrating, other clothing themselves and others taking off his vestments.Seeing Jesus caused me much grief distressed, and, so, I wanted to ask him why he suffered so much. No answer. But his gaze is directed toward those priests, and soon after, almost terrified, as if tired of looking, he withdrew his eyes and looked up at me when I noticed two tears horrified her cheeks. He walked away from that crowd of priests with an obvious look of disgust on his face, shouting: "Butchers!". And to me, said, "My son, do not think my agony was three hours, no, I will be in agony until the end of the world because of the souls benefited most from me. During the time of my agony, my son, do not sleep. My soul is in search of a drop of human compassion, but, alas!, Leave me alone under the weight of indifference. The ingratitude and indifference of my ministers makes my agony heavier.Woe is me, how bad are my love! What hurts me most is that his indifference added scorn and disbelief. Many times I have been to annihilate them in the act, had it not been stopped by the angels and the souls in love with me ... Write to your father and tell him what you have seen and I've heard this morning. Tell showing your letter to Father Provincial ... ".Jesus continued speaking, but what he said I can not ever reveal any creature of this world. This appearance gave me such a pain in the body, and much more in the soul, I spent all day killing, and would have thought sweet Jesus die if I had not already revealed ...Unfortunately, Jesus has every reason to lament our ingratitude! Many of our brothers are unhappy love of Jesus with open arms by throwing the infamous sect of Masonry! Pray for them, that the Lord may enlighten their minds and touch their hearts. Encourage our father provincial, who receive generous help of the Lord of heavenly gifts. The good of our mother province must be continuous concern. This should be directed all his efforts. For this purpose should focus our prayers, we are all bound to this.(April 7, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 350)

martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


March 27

 I feel the ecstasy has increased in intensity and usually come with such force that all efforts to avoid them are useless. The Lord has brought the soul to a greater detachment from the things of this lower world, and feel that is getting stronger in the holy liberty of spirit.
I think that, at the bottom of this soul, thank you very much God has poured that focus on the compassion of the miseries of others, especially the poor and needy. The very great pity that my soul feels at the sight of a poor, fancies at its core a vehement desire to help him, and if I will attend to, I would strip me to my underwear to dress him.
Also, if I know that a person is afflicted, as in the soul than the body, what I would do before the Lord to see it free from its ills? Provided free to see it, I would load with ease with all their troubles in their favor giving the fruit of their sufferings, if the Lord permits.
Thanks to the gifts that the Lord continues to enrich myself, I feel much better on trust in God. At one time, I often seem to need the aid of others, not now. I know from experience that the true remedy is not to fall to rely on the cross of Jesus, trusting only in him, who wanted to remain hanging for our salvation.
(March 26, 1914, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 460)

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

The soul

March 26

 The soul that the Lord puts in such a state, enriched with so much knowledge, should be more talkative, and yet not, it is almost mute. Do not know if this is a phenomenon that occurs only in me. With words too generic, and often meaningless to express the soul gets a small part of what it is doing her husband.
Believe it also, my father, that this is not small torment to the soul. Here happens to the soul what would happen to a poor shepherd boy if it were introduced on actual stay, where there are endless placed precious objects that he has never seen. The shepherd, leaving the actual stay, surely it would have on his mind all those objects as varied, precious and beautiful, but also safely, I would not know or realize the number and call them by name. He would like to communicate to others what he has seen, would use all its intellectual and scientific potential to achieve, but, seeing that all his efforts fail to make himself understood, he chooses to remain silent.
(March 26, 1914, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 460)

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Living Flame of Love

March 25

 As soon as I start to pray, then I feel invaded by the heart as a flame of love alive, this flame is unmatched by any other name of this underworld. It is a delicate and sweet flame consumes and does not cause any suffering. It's so sweet and so delicious that the spirit such complacency and feel satisfied, but the way that does not stop wanting it, and, oh God, it's so wonderful to me that they may never come to understand, unless it in heaven.
This desire, far from depriving the soul of this fullness, is increasingly strengthened. The joy felt by the soul there in your heart, far from diminishing as a result of desire, is growing more and more, as it did in the desire to enjoy this vivid flame permanently, because this desire is not offset by the joy, but remains much more alive as a result of the same desire.
From this follow that are increasingly rare occasions when I can reason with the understanding and rejoice with the senses.
(March 26, 1914, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 460)

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Baptism: Pledge of eternal life

March 23

 We have a double life: a natural that we get from Adam by carnal generation, and, therefore, is an earthly life, corruptible, loving us and full of lust, the other supernatural, that we get from Jesus through baptism and, therefore, is a spiritual, heavenly obradora virtue. By baptism is in us a real transformation: we die to sin and graft us in Christ Jesus so that we live in his own life. Through Baptism we receive sanctifying grace that gives us life, all heavenly we become children of God, Jesus' brothers and heirs of heaven.
Now if by baptism the Christian dies his first life and raises the second, it is the duty of Christians to seek the things above, not caring at all about the things of this earth. This insinuates himself the Apostle Paul to the Colossians: "So - does this great saint - as they have been raised with Christ, seek those things above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."
Yes, the resurrected Christian baptism in Jesus is elevated to a supernatural life, takes the beautiful glorious hope of sitting on the heavenly throne.What dignity! His vocation requires you wish continually the blessed homeland, regarded as a pilgrim in the land of exile, the Christian vocation, say, requires not set your heart on things of this earthly world, all the worry, all the effort of a good Christian , who lives according to his vocation, is led to seek the eternal goods, should get a way of judging things here below to estimate and appreciate only those that help you achieve eternal blessings, and have, moreover, by vile all those that do not serve for this purpose.
(November 16, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 226)

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Baptized in Christ

March 22

What should be the motto of a Christian? Let them say the Apostle to the Gentiles: "Do you not know - says the holy apostle, writing to the Romans - that all who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?", And you do not remember all
we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?Therefore, in the words of St. Paul, baptism, by which we become children of God and heirs of his kingdom, is a model, participation and a copy of the death of Christ. Baptism is a model of the death of Jesus Christ, because, like Jesus through the cross has suffered in the same way to us with the sign of the cross gives us baptism as Jesus was buried in the earth, just as we are submerged in the waters of holy baptism.Baptism is also involved in the death of Jesus, because baptism is applied to the mysteries and therefore has the effect of the death of our Redeemer. The death of Christ in our baptism applies to us just as if it were our own and we we were crucified with him, and under this death as we are we removed all sins, both as to guilt, as punishment.Finally, it is said that baptism is a copy of the death of Jesus. We, in the words of St. Paul, we are baptized "in morte ipsius" in his death, that is, to mimic the death of our Redeemer. So what was the cross for Jesus Christ, that is baptism for us. Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross to die in the flesh, we are baptized to die to sin, to die to ourselves. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross in all its senses, just as we by baptism we must take the mortification of Jesus in all our members, that is precisely what St. Paul writes in his second letter to the Corinthians: "We always in our bodies the sufferings of Jesus, so that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body. "(September 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 174)

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

The love that is not fed by the cross, not true love

March 21

 I know that the cross is proof of love that the cross is a guarantee of forgiveness and love that is not fed and nurtured by the cross, not true love, remains in fireworks. However, despite having this knowledge, this false disciple of the Nazarene feels in his heart that he is extremely heavy cross and that many times (no offense and not be angry, father, to what I say) is in search of a pious Cyrene relieved him and comfort him.
What merit can have my love to God? I fear much for this, if my love for God is true love. And this is also one of the swords, along with many others, I press at times and makes me feel crushed.
And yet, my father, I have a great desire to suffer for Jesus' sake. And how to explain it later, before the test, against my will, will find some relief? Much force and violence in these tests should I have to silence nature, so to speak, forcefully claiming to be comforted.
This fight did not want to feel, many times it makes me mourn as a child, because I think it's a lack of love and correspondence to God. How about this?
Write to me, when I want Jesus, and always long, and their answers about many problems, doubts and difficulties of hope and light of heaven, like dew on thirsty land beneficial.
(April 21, 1915, Father Agustin de San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 571)

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

The obedient man sing victory

March 20

 Live peacefully and do not worry about anything. Jesus is with you and loves you and you correspondes his inspirations and his grace, which worketh in you. Keep obeying despite internal resistance and without the relief given in obedience and spiritual life, for it is written that he who obeys should not account for their actions, and should only expect God's reward, not punishment . "The obedient man - says the Spirit - sing victory."
Always remember the obedience of Jesus in the Garden and the Cross, was with immense strength and not comforted, but due to mourn with the apostles and their Father, and his obedience was excellent and the more beautiful the more bitter. Never, then, your soul was so pleasing to God and now you obey and serve God in aridity and darkness. Have I explained? Live quiet and happy, and do not want for any reason to doubt the assertions of those who today directs your soul.
The way you act in God's grace, you have every reason to cheer and hope and trust in God, for the action it is usually with the souls he has chosen as his portion and his inheritance. The prototype, the model where necessary look and shape our lives is Jesus Christ.
But Jesus has chosen for the cross banner, and therefore desired that all his followers travel the road to Calvary carrying the cross, then lying in it expire. Only in this way leads to salvation.
(September 4, 1916, Mary Gargani - Letters. III, p. 241)

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

He spent the melancholy

March 19

The devil, dear father, making me the war continues, and, unfortunately, does not seem to want to give up. In the early days when I tried, I confess my weakness was almost discouraged, but then gradually became melancholy and began to feel a little more lively. Then, to pray at the feet of Jesus, I find that I no longer feel or weight of fatigue caused me to beat me when I am tempted, nor the bitterness of temptation.
The temptations that relate to my life in the century are the ones that touch my heart, I cloud the mind, I produce a cold sweat - I say - make me shiver from head to toe. At this time the eyes do not serve only to mourn, and to comfort and cheer, I think what you gonna stating in their letters.
Also up to the altar, my God, I suffer the same assaults of the devil, but I have with Jesus and what shall I fear?
(March 19, 1911, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 215)

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Total submission

March 17
Requests with boundless trust to Jesus, with the bride in the Song of Songs, that you drag behind him and that makes you feel the fragrance of the perfume of her ointment, so you can run fully behind him, with all the forces of the powers of soul and body, wherever he goes.
I urge you again to you for sure what I have said so far, which is this: the table that should lead you to the port of salvation, the divine weapon to achieve victory, is the total submission and blind our judgment the opinion of who is in charge to lead us into the shadows, the perplexities and the battles of life. The same scripture confirms this with his infallible authority: "The obedient man sing victory."
If Jesus says, give thanks, and if you hide, also give thanks: everything is a joke of love. I wish, to reach you with the expiry of Jesus on the cross with Jesus can cry softly, "It is finished."
(May 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p 87).

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Behold te Man

Ecce Home
Behold the Man (Jn 19: 5)After our meeting last week, today I invite you my dear reader, and invited me to me too, May r of sinners to look to "The Man". Yes, behold Jesus after he appeared in the Garden of Olives, now we see him dressed in tattered purple, thick blood, yes blood pure. I contemplate with cane in hand and crowned with thorns, these tips will penetrate their atrocious divine temples. We contemplate and bring to mind the place where this happens. I see from a height shown by Pilate to the Jewish people to have mercy on him, and the people no pity. The people convicted! The people yelling! Are the people you said! The people with hellish voice shouts, "Crucify him!" "Crucify him" "Crucify," and like a lamb led to slaughter him, send him to suffer for the love that I have."Ecce Homo"Pilate enters the place where you have Jesus. I stand there and am a witness, witness and accomplice of the atrocious pain of "That Man". I witness and accomplice of the innocent and holy blood running in torrents on the floor to wash, to purify, to cleanse my sins. I still laid there how my friends make fun of him, beat him, it hurt, and I spit it ... yooo ... There!. I see a man disfigured that no aspect of Man, as someone who is not a human being but a face. His appearance is so disfigured, so hurt, so sad! I think that the mere fact that Pilate present it to people, the people will forgive him, the people will have pity of him, the people will pardon! I think to myself, but I'm still here by joining evil. Not calm the anger of the people, turns more and more.Comes Pilate, leads by the hand and one man "Man of Sorrows" can hardly stand, the weight is great and the price for my sins. Pilate takes a high place, where everyone can see, it displays to view. He is watching us, looking at me, but I will not look at him, I will not cross my eyes with yours, talk to me, whispers in my ear, but I do not want to hear. Pilate presents the people, the people shouted more insistently, "Crucify him" "Crucify him." Pilate finds no fault in this Man, all I find is that it has only done good. See the Man here is, I find no fault in him, says Pilate. Jesus is shown to all the people, poor, naked, and no one to defend him. Only Mary was there to suffer the insufferable. And then the man who was born poor and lowly in a manger, end the poor and humble, naked on a cross at the sight.Yes contémplale naked and cruelly whipped, flayed body and wounded, no part unscathed in his holy body. Has in his body the marks of passion lashes, disciplines, the cardinals. Has nothing but meat on their old rag that he had put the soldiers and not even distinguish it enters the blood pouring from his holy body and the mantle that had given him. The soldiers pulled from side to side, bind him with chains, insulted him and me, I'm still there!I contemplate wearing the crown of thorns with sharp thorns that pierce his brow divine opening lines of blood on his forehead down to her face and extends into the body. We have tied their hands shackled, as a criminal, delinquent, in the midst of his hands which cane scepter of a king.We behold with his eyes misty, watery tears that filled them out, caused by pain, suffering, helplessness at being unable to scream to the world how much we love! And I'm still there. Watching them rosy cheeks, but bloody, marred with the saliva that had spat, his beard dripping sweat blood which in full-time laborer under the midday sun.I behold all full and I realize that your legs are, trembling because of the lack of power, fear and because there was more blood in your body. I see it all humbled and bent with the weight of the shame and painWe contemplate the presence of all the people and I keep there. Pilate says, "Behold the Man". Look at him! Contémplale! Look at this man! Called King, Messiah and Son of God. He is so grounded and disfigured, that hardly seems man but Man with You, like me. Pity of it. My soul, sees this man and be merciful to His sorrowful figure.Contemplate well and then you will identify with those words of Holy Scripture: Worm I am, and no man, scorned by men and despised of the people (Ps 22.6). He, more beautiful than all the sons of men (Ps 45.2).I look and I invite you to contemplate, then, this Man-God whom many kings desired to see, so many patriarchs and prophets. Behold Him this man to hear his words because he is the Master that the Eternal Father has given us. Look at this man to imitate him and follow his steps, there is no other way to be saved but Him and only Him Look at this man to mourn and do penance, for us, our sins, crucify him. Contemplémosle as in a mirror and let beautify for Him, because only the blood of this man is able to purify and make us worthy of His Kingdom, only then will shine the beauty that we have shared since before the creation of the world.

If any want to take up his cross

March 16

How sublime is the sweet and gentle invitation of the Divine Master: "If anyone would come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"! It was this invitation that Teresa did say that prayer to the divine Spouse: "To suffer or die." This invitation was also made ​​to exclaim that St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi: "To suffer always and not die." It was also because of this invitation which our seraphic father St. Francis, in ecstasy, exclaimed: "It's so good I hope - that I delight in all suffering."
Far from us complain of afflictions and diseases that Jesus wants to send. Let the Divine Master in the path of Calvary loaded up our cross, and when he wants and put us on the cross, that is, keep us in bed sick, and thank Him for tengámonos fortunate for the great honor that we do, knowing that be on the cross with Jesus is an act far more perfect than that of only beholding Him on the cross.
(November 26, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 245)

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

To love and please God

March 15

 Recall that the fate of the chosen souls is suffering, the suffering endured Christian God is the condition that the author of all graces and all the gifts that lead to salvation, has to give us glory. We raise therefore the hearts, full of confidence in God alone; humble ourselves under His mighty hand, willingly accept the tribulations to which the heavenly Father's mercy we are subjected to exalt us at the time of the visit. That all our concern is only this: "To love and please God," without worrying at all about anything else, always knowing that God will take care of us more than we can say or imagine.
(November 26, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 245)