domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012
Last day of the novena in honor of St. Francis de Assisi.
"Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart" (Mt 11.191.)
Prayer before the Christ of San DamianoHigh and glorious GodHigh and glorious God,enlighten the darknessof my heartand give me true faith,certain hopeand perfect charity,sense and knowledge.
Lord, to serveYour holy and true command.Any reflection on humility have to, highlight, its specificity Christian, rooted in the person of Jesus, full of mystery and manifestation of God's revelation: his "love". On the same road of love comes Christological Francis of Assisi: humility is sister of poverty (SV 2) and the two together become a rule of life for his brothers (R 10, 1 bull Sept. 1, Reg bull. 6, 29). In humility Franciscan spirituality appears as the root of evangelical perfection: only found in faith in Christ, transcending man's natural abilities (Buenaventura, De pefectione evangelical and solutio). It is this high virtue that enveloped Francisco since that time that he met the "love of his life" "Love that gives full sway." Humility and simplicity become the banner will wave Francisco lifetime.
Humility is a general attitude of the spirit that moves to obedience to the will of God and to serving others. Traits that are among many that have been discovering the Seraphic Father. You will never tire of repeating: Only one thing is needed: "Possessing the Spirit of God within them". Only through this action of the Spirit possession and Francisco will always obey every last one of the novices who just joined the Order. This obedience to the Father's obviously leads to serve others and what seems bitter to him before the body turns into sweetness of soul, and is going to serve the poorest of the poor: the lepers, the marginalized, the "accursed of God." Francisco is one of love for the Gospel.
With Francis we can say that God "is humility" (Praises of God Most High, 4). Humility of Christ manifested in history that humility is at the heart of the divine life is the immediate perception of his love (1 Jn 4:8,16). Did the kenosis of the Son does not refer to a kenotic mystery to be placed in the center of the Trinity? Sure! "Christ despite his divine did equality with God, on the contrary, he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being one of many. "(Phil 2:6-7). This is true humility, emptied himself to be filled with God and the needs of individuals.
A. In T. We have the most humble person that is on the earth, as the Bible is Moses. He was the most humble man on earth had, and yet he says that no one was with God like him. Here we find two very important aspects that are closely linked and that Francis lived in a radical way: humility and encounter with God. No one comes to God, like Moses, because God speaks to Moses face to face, in the tent of meeting. And while he was the most humble person that was on the ground. Here it is clear that what generates true humility is the encounter with God. Francisco somehow follow Christ, poor and crucified humble, but also talk to him, be seen by him, so francisco is transfigured, "Christifies".
The more we meet the Lord, authentic encounter with the Lord, friendly dialogue, listening, contemplation Moses style, more humility comes to us. More ability to recognize ourselves as we are. As we are, no more, no less. This was precisely the wealth of San Francisco: "What one is before God that is and nothing more." How clear was it!
The result of the meeting between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God says in the revelation which has Moses in the burning bush Moses is a face that glows. To that extent is the radiance of the face of Moses, that his countrymen, his countrymen feel as dazzled by the sight of Moses. Moses must wear a veil whenever she leaves the encounter with God.
In the miraculous catch find an event like this, which is the encounter between God and the human condition. Simon is being asked to assume the position of leader of the Jesus boat. On his own boat is visited by the Lord and have an incredible event. He has tried all night fishing with his fishing buddies.
Get nothing and gets indication offshore Jesus, obeying in faith, and fishing as he had never fished before. So many fish were taken that have to call colleagues in the other boat to help him carry the amount of fish that have been learned.
What is the reaction of Peter? "Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinner." That is, the manifestation of God's greatness, generated in recognition of Simon who is: I am a sinner. But Jesus quickly exceeds what could have been the risk of departing from Simon, and hugs from where Simon has a better chance of discovering what your next mission, or his new mission: from now on you will catch men.
The Poverello of Assisi clearly discovered this and realized that the "company" he was entrusted was not his doing or would be the fruit of your work, your tired, your effort and vigilance, but that would grace of God and thus would have to accept it and live it. This was necessary in order to remain faithful to what God had entrusted to him. Therefore nevertheless Francisco was the happiest man on the face of the earth, for the joy that came pouring from his Lord with which he was so Permanente.
Therefore, humility is the result of the match. The meeting places us. And the result is the radiance and joy. The true joy springs from true humility.
left open the possibility of reflection and life review.
Hail to the virtues
Hail, Queen Wisdom,Hail the Lord with your sisterthe holy pure simplicity!Lady Holy Poverty,Hail the Lord with your sisterholy humility!Lady Holy Charity,Hail the Lord with your sisterholy obedience!Most Holy virtues, all the Lord save you,You come from and who you come!There is absolutely no one in the worldit may have one of you unless it dieshimself.Who has one and does not offend the other,has them all.And whoever offends one, possesses noand to all offended.And each confounds vices and sins.The holy wisdom confuses Satanand all his malice.Pure holy simplicity confoundsall the wisdom of this worldand the wisdom of the body.The holy povertyconfuses greed and avariceand concerns of this world.Holy Humility confounds prideand all the men of the world,and all that is in the world.The holy charityconfuses all temptationsdiabolic and carnal carnal fears and all.The holy obedienceall own confusedcorporal and carnal wills;and maintains mortifiedhis body to obey the spirit and to obey hisbrother, and is held and subjected to all menthat is in the world;and not only men, butalso all the beasts and wild beasts, that, asthey are given from above by the Lord, canmake of it what you want

REFERRED BY FRANCISCO.Prayer before the Crucifix (OrCr)High, glorious God!enlighten the darkness of my heart.Give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity;wisdom and knowledge, O Lord,to fulfill your holy and true command.Amen.
In this little meditation or reflection adentrásemos wants us with a heart very, very humble and pure heart of Francis, but especially that of Jesus Christ, who reveals himself alive and present in his Body and his Blood. Clothe the need for grace and holiness that we have been given from the day of our baptism and renew every day in every Eucharist we celebrate. You need the Spirit of the Lord and His holy operation so that we not only understand through the eyes of faith, but out of love and commitment and reassess this most holy mystery that is the source of holiness and grace for all Christian who humbly about this Holy Mystery that is quintessential Thanksgiving, but above all and foremost is sacrifice.
And not just any sacrifice but that of Christ, the spotless Lamb who became like us in all things but sin.Importantly Francisco never loses sight of the sacrificial character of the Mass: The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ's sacrifice for us today and renew the fruits of the Redemption. Some fruits that we have to engage in and accept that we may worthily receive the same way become other Christs. This sounds a little weird, but is it not when we eat the body of the Lord Jesus Christ and drink his blood the most intense moment of communion and union with Him? Of course it is. There is no doubt about it at least for those who have faith and believe that it is. At the time of the communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord enters into us and we will hold our all to Him, it is as if there were two persons but one, yes one because Love transforms and the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ are the most exquisite of the Love of God.The Eucharist, as the update of the sacrifice of the New Covenant offers men of all time, once operated salvation of the Lord. Francis understood that if the Lord instituted the Eucharist, was to convey to all men the fruits of the Sacrifice of the Cross. If What would celebrate Mass today? Why attend Mass if it was just a comedy, a performance, a play? No, it is not The cross is not theater, the cross is life and life is always generated when worn with dignity and love is accepted. For the love of Jesus Christ accepted. For love gives us his Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine.Let our Seraphic Father now we talk heart to heart. He was considered unworthy to consecrate the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, has an extraordinary Eucharistic experience. Read carefully and let's get into the mystery of God's love and Francis.
Body of the LordJesus says to his disciples: I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me. If you knew me, you would know certainly my Father also: and from henceforth you know him and have seen. Philip said to him: Lord, show us the Father and it sufficeth us. Jesus said so long time that I am with you and do not know me? Felipe, who sees me, sees also My Father (Jn 14.6 to 9).The Father dwells in unapproachable light (cf. 1 Tim 6:16), and God is spirit (John 4:24), and God no one has ever seen (Jn 1:18). So it can not be seen but in the spirit, because the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing (Jn 6:64).But neither the Son, which is equal to the Father, is seen by anyone other than the Father, other than the Holy Spirit. Where everyone who saw the Lord Jesus as mankind, and not seen and yet believe in the spirit and divinity that he was the true Son of God, is condemned. So now, all who see the sacrament, which is sanctified by the word of the Lord on the altar by the priest's hand in the form of bread and wine, and do not see and believe according to the spirit and divinity, that is truly the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, are condemned, as witnessed by the Almighty himself, saying: This is my body and blood of the new testament, [which is shed for many] (cf. Mk 14,22.24) and : Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (cf. Jn 6:55). Where the spirit of the Lord, who dwells in the faithful, is the recipient of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord. All others who do not share the same spirit and dare to greet, eat and drink damnation (cf. 1 Cor 11:29).Where: Sons of men, how long will you be of heavy hearts? (Ps 4:3). Why not recognize the truth and believe in the Son of God? (Cf. Jn 9:35).Behold: daily he humbles (cf. Phil 2:8), as if from the royal throne (Sat 18:15) came to the womb of the Virgin comes to us daily appearing humble himself; daily descends from the bosom of the Father (cf . Jn 1:18) on the altar in the hands of the priest. And as he appeared to the Apostles in true flesh, so now we are shown to us in the sacred bread. And like them, looking for their meat, meat only saw him, but, looking at it with spiritual eyes, believed he was God, so we, seeing bread and wine with bodily eyes, see and firmly believe that is his most holy body and blood living and true.And so the Lord is always with his faithful, as he says:Behold I am with you until the end of the world (cf. Mt 28:20).
Life ReviewHow much time devoted to prayer before celebrating the Eucharist to receive the Body and Blood of Christ?
Am I aware that truly take communion the Body and Blood of the Lord, or just do it out of habit?Do I think that when I take communion blameless enough?
What are the fruits of my communion with the Body and Blood of Christ?
How much time did the Adoration of the Blessed Body of Christ in the tabernacle?
Am I aware that when you take communion I become a living tabernacle, and that wherever I go there I take Jesus with me?
What is my attitude to all this?
First letter to the faithful (1CtaF 1.1 to 5, 2.1 to 8)1All who love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, with all your strength, and love their neighbors as themselves (cf. Mt 22:37-39, Mk 12:30), 2y hate their bodies with their vices and sins, 3y receive the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, 4y produce worthy fruits of penance: 5 Oh how blessed and blessed are these men and women while doing such things and persevere in such things !1Pero all those who do not live in penitence, 2y not receive the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, engaged 3y vices and sins, and who follow the evil desire and the lust of the flesh, not saved 4y what they promised the Lord, serve 5y bodily into the world with the carnal desires and concerns of the century and the cares of this life: 6Apresados by the devil, whose children are and whose works do (cf. Jn 8:41), blind 7están , because they see the true light, our Lord Jesus Christ. 8No have spiritual wisdom because they have the Son of God, who is the true wisdom of the Father.Pray three Our Fathers.
Three Hail Mary's and three Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The explosion of pure love in the heart of FrancisPrayer before the Crucifix (OrCr)
High, glorious God!enlighten the darkness of my heart.Give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity;wisdom and knowledge, O Lord,to fulfill your holy and true command. Amen.
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, she's pregnant and bear a son, and will call him by the name Immanuel. " (Isaiah 7:14)In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary.And came to her and said: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.She was deeply disturbed by these words and pondered what sort of greeting.The angel said, Fear not, Mary, for you have found favor with God, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father; reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end. Mary said to the angel, How shall this be, since I am a virgin? The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore the one to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. (Lk 1.26 to 35).
It is a grace of God to all the children of Francis's devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary that our Seraphic Father has given us. It is not only a romantic and external piety but must transform the interior of every son of Francisco. The deep Marian devotion and piety Saint of Assisi is evident from the time of his conversion: Bernard of Quintavalle, who sometimes stayed at home, observing their behavior, "he saw spend nights in prayer, sleeping very little and praising the Lord and the glorious Virgin Mother, and thought, full of admiration: "Really, this man is a man of God" (2Cel., 24).
So first we have a teacher of prayer, but beyond that, we have a loving heart. Yes a heart in love with the most beautiful that God could give humanity after Christ: Mary. Who certainly, God loved with singular predilection. The pure virgin. Its purity was such that God chose her to be the Mother of his Son, the Holy Spirit Wife and Mother of the Church. The Virgin full of grace. And why would not he be if carried within itself all the Lord's Spirit at work within them to say "yes" to a project plan that God had for her. Mother of the Church. If your Son Jesus Christ is the cornerstone where stands throughout and is joined to the glory of God here on earth, Mary will be the mother of the whole Church and therefore the end of the road of the Cross Jesus Christ in the midst of the pain of his agony, but especially in the midst of scorching love for humanity gives us as our Mother. What have we had great love and Jesus must have us to give us his Mother as our Mother! Let's focus on this love as pure and virginal Francisco for the Mother of God. And also try to approach us with a clean and pure heart let us ask Mary for us the grace to love and serve Jesus Christ faithfully and steady as she did.
Especially love the "Poverello of Assisi" felt by the mother of the Son of God manifested at an early stage of his conversion, but somehow in the choice of living in the Portiuncula, "a little church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin : an old building, but then completely neglected and abandoned. When the man of God saw so abandoned, pushed by his fervent devotion to the Queen of the world, made his home there, intending to repair it. often there enjoyed the Angels visit, as seemed to indicate the name of the church itself, called from Old St. Mary of the Angels. therefore chosen as the residence for his veneration of the angels and their special love for the Mother of Christ "(L. Mayor, II, 8).
Francis loved this place so special, loved him "more than all the other places in the world. Here, indeed, met the humble beginnings, it progressed in the virtues, happily reached the goal here. Upon death recommended this place to the monks, as the most beloved of the Virgin "(Ibid.)," because I wanted the Order of Friars Minor grow and develop under the protection of the Mother of God, where, by merit of it , had its origin "(L.Mayor, III, 5).
The author of the life of S. Clara added: "This is the place where famous began the new army of the poor, led by Francisco, so it became clear that it was the Mother of Mercy that gave birth at home on either Order"(SClara, 8).
Notice that so fine and elegant the early biographers of San Francisco to make ourselves known as a watermark how extraordinary spiritual experience Francisco from its beginnings to the end of his earthly life and is still growing to this day Today in this small and great treasure of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Francisco did not want their material form, but also for being small and humble, truly the Mother of Jesus, but not only that, but because there used to meet the most exalted characters eternally praising and glorifying God. This is what makes it special predilection Francisco love with that place, but he loves above all and above all because it is built in honor of Mary the Mother of God.Specifically the love and affection for Mary Francis also manifest in the Salute to the Blessed Virgin Mary, hymn of praise that extols the divine motherhood, work of God, TriuneThis is very important: if Francis extols the holiness of Mary, he does recognize and over-praising the holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So Francisco recognizes that what Mary has done is the work of the Holy Trinity and not merit or work of Mary. The hymn of praise to greet Francis writes Mary is one of the most genuine and beautiful texts that our Father has left us. Try to enter an atmosphere of prayer and reflection on the spiritual depth of this song.
Greetings to the Blessed Virgin Mary
"Hail Lady, Holy Queen, Holy Mother of God,Mary Virgin made Churchchosen by the Holy Father in heaven,consecrated by him with his most holy beloved SonOmbudsman and the Holy Spirit,in whom there was and is all fullness of grace and every goodHail, palace of God!Rejoice, tabernacle of God!Hail, home yours!Hail, garment thereof!Hail His Servant!Hail His Mother!and saved, all ye holy virtuesthat by the grace and illumination of the Holy Spirit, are poured into the hearts of the faithful,to make them infidels, faithful to God! "
1. Where does the Mother of God in my life?
2. Am I aware of the work that God has done for mankind through the Mother of Jesus?
3. How do I express my devotion and gratitude to Mary for being my biggest advocate?
4. Am I able to foster devotion to Mary or ashamed of that?
Pray three Our Father. Three Hail Marys. Three Glory ...
viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012
Prayer before the Crucifix (OrCr)
High, glorious God!enlighten the darkness of my heart.Give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity;wisdom and knowledge, O Lord,to fulfill your holy and true command.Amen.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth . So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. (Genesis 1.26 to 28).
Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Why, then, we deal treacherously against one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers? (Malachi 2:10).
Francisco has become a missionary, traveling in style brother disciples of Christ for the world. Never crossed his mind found an order, less, much less three with all its ramifications are many hundreds of them. Francisco just want to live the Gospel. But the Lord not to be outdone in generosity soon took care of that brother was not a antisigno the Kingdom. The Kingdom is communion, unity, is a place of brotherhood, equality, minority and service and if Francisco had decided, or rather if God had decided that Francisco was a sign of that Kingdom, then could not live alone evangelical adventure. It is the Lord who gives brothers. Curiously, those who previously had shared with him their different lifestyle, but moved by his words and example, joined him. The first companions, friends of evangelical youth: Bernard of Quintavalle, Peter Cattani, Gil ... among others, soon come to soon add 12 and multiply. In 1220, will 3000, in 1226 will be 5000. Without having looked, saw Francisco was entrusted the task is both difficult and delicate of evangelical inspiration incarnate in a human-fraternity community increasingly numerous.Francis did not want to take the model of monastic life had that time. For Francis the Son of God had made way and only had to follow him, he had to be the only source of inspiration. Francisco is inspired directly from the Gospel of Jesus Christ is: "And after the Lord gave me brothers, no one showed me what to do, but the Most High Himself revealed to me that I should live according to the form of the Holy Gospel. And I had this written in few and simple words and the Lord Pope confirmed it for me. " (Test 14,15).Here are the most genuine inspiration vocational consolidation Francisco and all his followers. The new form of evangelical life is placed under the sign of the apostolic mission. The model the same Christ who walked from town to town, from village to village and later the disciples sent on mission by Christ.Following an itinerant life, apostolic necessary detachment, poverty, should live like the common people, as they work, without any ecclesiastical privilege as the result of his work does not reach to resort "to the table Lord ", ie the alms. This poverty of beggars and itinerant missionaries, the brothers live in close communion with Christ, who had not where to lay his head stone and also living on the generosity of friends. (1 Kings 9:6).Because of the mission-roaming and poverty now we find fraternity. A fraternity of equals. A fraternity that does not discriminate and that shares everything with brother and cares for him, all the same. "None of the brothers, say Francisco in Rule 1221, and has power or dominion least among them." (1 Kings 5:9).On going forged and consolidated this new lifestyle Francisco insist in season and out on that one thing is needed: "To aspire to the Spirit of God within them" nothing more. Francisco was able to find in the entire universe ever fresh presence of God, insomuch that having injected the new evangelical ideal, God himself gave him the grace to be sensitive to other creatures that exist in the entire universe. They all speak of the presence of God. All are signs of the proximity and the unconditional love of God. These are all signs of communion between God and man. Few have had the sensitivity to the Saint of Assisi had to find God in his creatures. So universal is the brother Francisco for two specific aspects, namely:After the Lord gives brothers, himself tells you what to do, but Francis does not stop with that inspiration that otherwise would be enough, no, but goes to the presence of the Pope that is the sign of the universality of the Church and it is he who confirms the new way of life, so it is a universal brother. The other aspect is precisely the sensitivity and respect for all creation. Francis discovers all of God's presence and from there, he uses the creation to praise and bless God.
REVIEW FOR LIFE1. Will I discover and live truly as someone cast the image and likeness of God?
2. Am I a sign of the Kingdom of God to others by my equal treatment for all?
3. Do I consider those who live with me as a gift from God or a burden I have to bear?
4. How important is my mission in accordance with my own lifestyle?
5. Do I feel superior to others or try to be someone fair and equal to all?
6. Am I able to discover in creating the loving presence of God?
7. What is my commitment towards the creation?
Canticle of the Creatures
Most High, omnipotent, good Lord,Yours are the praises,glory and honor and all blessing.To you alone, Most High, you areand no man is worthy to pronounce your name.
Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures,especially Sir Brother Sun,it is the day and he give us light;And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendor;you. Most High, he bears the likeness.
Be praised, my Lord,through Sister Moon and the stars;in the heavens you have madeclear and precious and beautiful.
Be praised, my Lord, through Brother Wind,and air and cloudy and serene, and every time,by which you cherish all to.
Be praised, my Lord, through Sister Water,it is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.Be praised, my Lord, through Brother Fire,through whom You light the night:And he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.
Be praised, my Lord,through our Sister Mother Earth,that sustains and governs usand produces various fruitswith colored flowers and herbs.
Be praised, my Lord,by which pardon for loveand suffer sickness and trial.Blessed are those who endure in peace,for by you, Most High, they will be crowned.
Be praised, my Lord,through our Sister Bodily Deathfrom whom no living man can escape.Woe to those who die in mortal sin!Blessedthose stored in your will,for the second death can not harm them.Praise and bless my Lord,and give thanks, and serve him with great humilityThree Reza Our Fathers, three Hail Mary and Glory Be ...
The measure of God's love are suffering you live
28 September
How it saddens my heart to see you shake every day for new and raging storms, but is much greater joy in my spirit to know with certainty that the fury of the waves you can, with special providence, the heavenly Father, to make like his beloved Son, chased and beaten to death, even death on a cross!
To the extent that your sufferings are great, it is the love that God offers. Those, my dear, will serve as the comparison of the love God has for you. The love of God will know them by this sign: the afflictions sent you. This signal is in your hands and is within reach of your intelligence; rejoice, for when the storm is raging, glad, I say, with the children of God, because this is the divine Bridegroom singular love towards you. Humble yourself before the divine majesty also, considering how many other souls in the world, more dignified and richest intellectual gifts and virtues, and they are certainly not treated with that singular love with which you are treated by God.
(September 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 174)
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012
Fifth day of the novena in honor of St. Francis of Assisi
5. Living Gospel FRANCISCO
BIBLE TEXT TO REFLECTGo and preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Do not proveáis gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses;10:10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food. (Mt 10.7 to 10)
After the encounter with Jesus Christ Francisco discovers the urgent imperative to proclaim the Gospel. Let us realize something: the first impulse Francisco was to meet the Master, Jesus Christ. Today we can say that Francisco has become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. The true disciple is the one at the feet of the Master, the Master learns the dining with the Master, which includes the Master, which is wary of the Master, who do not feel up to the Master. Ultimately the true disciple is one that reproduces itself the image of the Master. Which is transformed into the Master. This was precisely what happened to Francisco. Once found with Jesus Christ, strives to know, once you accept called once loves and accepts him once he loves becomes "another Christ". The result is extraordinary.
Has reproduced itself by God's grace the living image of the Master.This is a reality in Jesus Christ Francisco because he trusts and knows that he is not going to fail, but now it was time to face another question: what should be dedicated. That is, after being a faithful disciple, is now the second time that extends or integrates the whole process: the mission to which God has called him What is that mission? What will? Who would indicate? Another doubt that Francisco will face, but now I want to take refuge in the ephemeral, in fame, but in God. Then begs and pleads with God for the grace to do his will and was a February morning in 1208 when clarifying the gospel way of Francis of Assisi. It was at the time being at St. Mary of the Angels hear the gospel mission (Mt 10.7 to 10). Francisco has entered the path of the Gospel always new. Francisco wants to live the Gospel to the letter, without gloss. "The Gospel does not need to be justified, take it or leave it."When Francis heard the gospel of the sending of the disciples of Jesus Christ and that henceforth become missionaries, apostles, preachers, proclaimers of the Good News of the Kingdom, Francis exclaims This is what I want, this is what I want ... "immediately adds his first companion, Bernard of Quintavalle, immediately followed by several others.Here we discover that the Gospel is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword that reveals the thoughts of the heart and penetrates to the very core of the heart that is willing to love. It is a gospel that starts to Francis of eremitical life and throws him in the ways of the mission to meet the men and history. Shipping to the mission which resonates Francisco stream of clean, clear, cool mountain falling. It is a call to mobility, roaming. To leave the ties and set off to sail the world, to permeate to the Church and to the world of the freshness of the Gospel through a simple life and stripped of everything.Another very important aspect in the life of the apostle, the messenger is just the ad, the message and its content. They will not announce themselves. They will not take your own message. They proclaim, to bring the Good News that Jesus entrusted to his disciples, and is the fundamental message of peace, because peace is the fruit of justice, because where there is peace where God is God and nothing is missing , so the desire for peace was, is and will always be the hallmark of the Christian, but above all in daily practice is where this wish will come true. "Wherever you come home say, 'Peace to this house'. If a son of peace, their desire for peace will rest on him, otherwise it will return to you. "La Paz! This is the message. Evangelizing is primarily proclaim peace, the great messianic peace which reconciles men to God and that is to reconcile men from each other, transforming their relationships and creating environments of equality and justice, a peace that frees from all bondage. This peace can only be announced by someone who has made the Gospel way of life, free from greed by someone without any desire for power. Radical poverty Francisco logo will be poverty and in all aspects. Because well, poverty is the Son of God who was rich for our sakes became poor to enrich us with his wealth. This is how Francisco gets totally resemble Jesus Christ by being a "living Gospel" ".So this is the gospel that, just heard through the heart of Francis, he sets in motion "through towns and castles, Celano-account-proclaiming the kingdom of God, preaching peace." (1 Cel 36). This will be one of the great features of the Seraphic Father until the end of his life: Peace.
1. What occupies handy in my reading, prayer and practice of the Gospel in my daily life?2. What do I have to leave, what I give to be a true apostle of the Gospel?3. Am I ready to leave? How, when?4. How important in my life I give to the mission, the apostolate?5. I trust fully in God's providence, or more than I trust myself when proclaiming the Gospel?6. Am I a person of peace builder in my environment?7. What kind of peace ad: the Messianic or my own interests and beliefs?8. Am I a righteous person to those around me?Simple sentenceLord, make me an instrument of your peace.That where there is hatred, let me sow love.That where there is injury, let me sow pardon.That where there is discord, I put the union.That where there is error, I put the truth.That where there is doubt, I put the FaithThat where desperation, I put hope.That where there is darkness, let me sow light.That where there is sadness, let me sow joy.Oh Lord, I do not so much seekbe consoled as to console,be understood, as to understand,to be loved, as to love.For it is giving that we receive,is forgetting himself as one lies to himself,is forgiving, as is forgiven,is in dying that we are born to eternal life.Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi.Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Mary and Glory Be.
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