domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012


Faith is a gift of God to us through the action of the Holy Spirit in the life of human beings. Precisely from faith is how we live as members of the Mystical Body of Christ. It is faith that unites us with God and with others through grace.
Resort to certain texts of Scripture to be enlightened by the Spirit Sanctifier.
That Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts, being rooted and grounded in love, may all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, so that you fill all the fullness of God.
(Eph 3:17-19)
Having thus received our justification of faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Rom 5:1).
Jesus said, 'Woman, great is your faith as you want to happen.
(Mt 15:28).

We could continue with an almost endless list of texts of Scripture on faith, but for our discussion today, I think it is enough. In the teachings of Father Pius faith ranks rightful preeminent as the foundation of the spiritual edifice which is to design and build, and unitive principle and transforming supernatural agency.
As is said of hope and charity presupposes the existence and dynamics of the virtue of faith.
Nature and excellence of faith
Indeed Father Pius positively highlights unitive function of faith in God, right amount and purpose of the beatific vision: << God wants espouse faith in the soul and the soul that must celebrate this celestial betrothal must walk in pure faith, that is appropriate and unique to this union of love >> (19-12-1913, I, 441).
And thus is explained and understood the insistence with which recommends always rekindle faith to preserve and increase union with God, while they put to flight all diabolical arts that may hinder.Also believe that the P. Pius wants souls with clear and precise about the nature and excellence of this virtue, so they can avoid possible deviations from somewhat puzzling phenomena, dark regarding the way of perfection. Both intelligence and the will have their part in a merely passive acceptance of the mysteries and the truths revealed; requires the effort and dynamism of the will which proposes to understanding the motivations truly acceptable. It is therefore no direct knowledge, immediate and obvious, but not merely sensible or rational. Therefore you should avoid the illusion of wanting to confine the light of knowledge of the faith to the field of evidence, does not involve the direct view of the connection between the premises and the conclusion, is dark by nature and therefore intelligence must submit to the decision of the will. This however, in no way forget that faith is a gift of God, which must be ordered by prayer, and is to solidify and consolidate personal acts that are worthy precisely because they inspired and directed by this virtue.These and other highlights on P. Pio when he tries to show the excellence of faith or discover their intrinsic nature to make souls troubled by doubts and uncertainties regain composure.On October 22, 1916, referring to some thoughts of his spiritual director, Fr Augustine writes:
• << Living faith, blind belief and complete adherence to authority constituted by God for you is the light that illuminated the steps of God's people in their journey through the desert, the light that shines forever in height all adept spirit to the Father, the light that led the Magi to adore the newborn Messiah, is the star prophesied by Balaam is the torch that directs the steps of these spirits desolate. And this light, this close and this torch are also illuminating your soul, direct your steps to not hesitate; robustecen your spirit in God's love and the soul without noticing, always moving towards the eternal goal. You do not see and do not understand, but it is not necessary, you will perceive not only darkness, but that does not hide the sun forever.
Be assured that this sun is precisely that which the seer of God sang: "Through your light we see your light" >> (Ps 35.10-III, 400)
And earlier, on August 6, 1915, had written• << Between moans and anxieties San Pablo asked incessantly be released, but the same Jesus replied that His grace will be enough. So does all souls who want to love Him with sincerity and purity of heart. How do you doubt it? Is he by chance our God, faithful above all men, for not allowing us not to be tested on our strengths? >> (III, 92).
And in March 1916 he added:
• << Creed, if you can not persuade you, that your spirit shines light and darkness are already contemplating what you think. Believe that you are close wing aurora.
Creed that Jesus, Sun of Justice, is with you, I want you well and always want, as long as you lend it to act freely in you >> (III, 170).
• << Remain steadfast in the faith always and ever vigilant to disappear and the trickery of the enemy [...].
In a special way rekindle faith in the promises of eternal life that the most sweet Lord who makes our fight with strength and courage >> (26-11-1913, II, 249).
The spiritual director strongly rejoices when he sees souls moving down this path with immense confidence and total abandonment in the goodness of the Heavenly Father:
• << How not enjoy seeing a daughter who loves God, who converses with God, feels and sees God in faith, without any affection like sweet and sensitive?
>> (13-6-1918, III, 301).
With the grace of God and the faithful and active assistance of the Holy Spirit let us seriously and lovingly by God to do now our life review in the light of the above.Given the extent and richness of the subject, divide it into two parts, so that will help us to reflect on two days.
Faith is a gift Am I aware of this gift that God has given me?2. What and who to believe?3. How do I exercise my faith?4. How do I express my faith to others, I am ashamed of it?5. What does it mean for me to believe?6. What is my commitment towards God in faith?
Lord our GodFather of mercies and God of all comfortGrant us the light of the Holy SpiritTo believe, love and awarenessIn your Holy Son.You who live and reign,For ever and ever. Amen.
Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Mary and Glory Be ...Closing Prayer:
Oh God that St. Pio of PietrelcinaCapuchin priestyou have given the signal privilegeto participate in a wonderful wayin the passion of your Son,grant us through her intercession,identify in the death of Christto share in his resurrection.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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