jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012
Charity is always fresh water source. In it and through it we can drink of God's love and share this love through charity signs that we make with our brothers who need it most.This is the supreme desire of God, so "He first loved us" even undeservedly, by sheer grace and because that created us to love forever. God is love, let love for Him and love like Him
I give you a new commandment: love one another. That, as I have loved you, so you also should love, each other. (Jn 13:34).
And we received from him this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. (I Jn 3:23).
Indeed, of what not commit adultery, Do not kill, do not steal and we all covet no other commandment, are summed up in this: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no wrong to a neighbor; charity is therefore the law correctly. (Rom 13: 9-10).
This preclarísima virtue << >>
No doubt that the theological virtue of charity is the greatest of the theological virtues, the most unifying and transforming. Une, gives strength and supernatural strength to the other Christian virtues and without it none may be perfect. It is the root, the source and summit of holiness. If it does fail, the whole spiritual edifice collapses. His absence sterilizes any commitment to sanctify ourselves and every effort for the good of others. Precisely because charity is the essence of Christian perfection, the parameter is safer and far more accurate, if not the only.• - << The first virtue, the soul needs tending to perfection, is charity [...]. rightly charity in Scripture is called the bond of perfection >> (23-10-1914, II, 200).• - << What else is in the heart of this great saint [St. Paul] is charity, and so, more than any other virtue, he strongly recommends it and want to preserve in all its dynamism and activity, and that is the only virtue is Christian perfection. Above all, says - Preserve, tended charity which is the bond of perfection >> (16-11-1914, II, 235).• - << All may lack merit, when done without charity, which is the queen of virtues and that itself includes them all. Thus we have in mind this virtue, if we want the heavenly Father have mercy on us. Therefore practice love and charity, is the virtue that makes us children of the same Father who is in heaven. We practice love and charity, as it is the mandate of the Divine Master distinguish us from others if we practice love and charity. Love charity and avoid anything that could ensombrecerla. Yes, love, finally, charity and we always present the teaching of the Apostle: we are all members of Christ >> (16-11-1914, II, 234s).• - << Consideradla [the virtue of charity] beloved, even more than the pupil of your eyes, because it was the most beloved of the divine Teacher who used to call my commandment. Oh, yes, we greatly appreciate this precept of the divine Master and all difficulties will be overcome.It is so beautiful virtue of charity, that the Son of God, to turn in our breasts, he would descend from the bosom of the Father and become like us to teach it to us and providing us with means that he has left us, the acquisition of Under this preclarísima >> (30-3-1915, II, 383)
The P. Pius was intimately persuaded, by experience, of fundamental importance and absolute necessity of this virtue preclarísima << >>, never tired of recommending it as an essential condition to walk safely and gradually advance along the path of the Christian perfection, or as single goal oriented soul's aspiration demands of following Christ. Examples are the following testimonies are exhortations to love and believe in Love
• - << The human spirit, without the flame of divine love, can descend to the level of animals, while, conversely, charity, love of God rises so high that can reach the throne of God. Be grateful liberality tirelessly ever a good parent and always accretive Ask him to charity in your heart. >> (11-4-1914, II, 70).• Continue and reforzaos << always love Jesus more and more and not worry about knowing nothing >> (21-6-1914, II, 120).• - << Let this be all our request: to love God and to please, no other concerns, knowing that God will always take care of us, more than we can say or imagine >> (26-11-1914, II, 248).• - << God loves you, and much, corresponded as closely as possible to his love: the desires nothing; cheer, wait, humble yourselves under the operations and divine love >> (08.06.1915, II, 445) .
Brothers and sisters, we are facing the major project of the love of God in our lives. A free and rewarding certainly love. Charity as a gift from God to be faithful to your project and to love and serve our brothers and desinstalarnos questioning must always and at all times. God will not be outdone in generosity, be generous we too, are not good, but be open to the grace of God which is the only good.
1. Am I aware that God has first loved me and gave himself for me in Jesus Christ?2. Do I have always in my mind and in my heart the eternal love that God has me?3. How does thank God the gift of charity in my life?4. Do you really love God above all things?5. Army? Charity generously with my brothers?6. How do I express my love to those who live with me?7. How do I exercise charity toward those who seek me?8. Am I able to radiate the love of God and love my brothers or ashamed of that?
PRAY:Lord Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life,you've made love to you and the brothersthe form of evangelical perfectionGod grant me a love infinitely generous.A radical love and caring to my brothersAnd loyalty to your project of love in my life,and with the fire of your Holy SpiritPurify and sanctify my desire for holinessand delivery for the redemption of mankind. Amen.
Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys with Glory ...
Closing Prayer:
Oh God that St. Pio of PietrelcinaCapuchin priestyou have given the signal privilegeto participate in a wonderful wayin the passion of your Son,grant us through her intercession,identify in the death of Christto share in his resurrection.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
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