jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Living God always

 September 6

My current state, my father, leaves much to be desired, I feel very depressed. I see the crosses in addition to the crosses, the aches pains, and could not stand on my feet if the immediate intervention of the heavenly Father not hold me with his powerful arm.
Physical discomfort are added the hard struggles of the spirit. Clouds oscurísimas are becoming more dense in the sky of my poor soul. Jesus is always with me, it is true, but how painful, my father, is the test that subjects the soul to the danger of offending the divine husband! But God always alive! Hope to win and be victorious and the decision to continue fighting not weaken me ever.
(September 7, 1914, Father Agustin de San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 582)

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