jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Fifth day of the novena in honor of St. Francis of Assisi

5. Living Gospel FRANCISCO

BIBLE TEXT TO REFLECTGo and preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Do not proveáis gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses;10:10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food. (Mt 10.7 to 10)

After the encounter with Jesus Christ Francisco discovers the urgent imperative to proclaim the Gospel. Let us realize something: the first impulse Francisco was to meet the Master, Jesus Christ. Today we can say that Francisco has become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. The true disciple is the one at the feet of the Master, the Master learns the dining with the Master, which includes the Master, which is wary of the Master, who do not feel up to the Master. Ultimately the true disciple is one that reproduces itself the image of the Master. Which is transformed into the Master. This was precisely what happened to Francisco. Once found with Jesus Christ, strives to know, once you accept called once loves and accepts him once he loves becomes "another Christ". The result is extraordinary.
Has reproduced itself by God's grace the living image of the Master.This is a reality in Jesus Christ Francisco because he trusts and knows that he is not going to fail, but now it was time to face another question: what should be dedicated. That is, after being a faithful disciple, is now the second time that extends or integrates the whole process: the mission to which God has called him What is that mission? What will? Who would indicate? Another doubt that Francisco will face, but now I want to take refuge in the ephemeral, in fame, but in God. Then begs and pleads with God for the grace to do his will and was a February morning in 1208 when clarifying the gospel way of Francis of Assisi. It was at the time being at St. Mary of the Angels hear the gospel mission (Mt 10.7 to 10). Francisco has entered the path of the Gospel always new. Francisco wants to live the Gospel to the letter, without gloss. "The Gospel does not need to be justified, take it or leave it."When Francis heard the gospel of the sending of the disciples of Jesus Christ and that henceforth become missionaries, apostles, preachers, proclaimers of the Good News of the Kingdom, Francis exclaims This is what I want, this is what I want ... "immediately adds his first companion, Bernard of Quintavalle, immediately followed by several others.Here we discover that the Gospel is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword that reveals the thoughts of the heart and penetrates to the very core of the heart that is willing to love. It is a gospel that starts to Francis of eremitical life and throws him in the ways of the mission to meet the men and history. Shipping to the mission which resonates Francisco stream of clean, clear, cool mountain falling. It is a call to mobility, roaming. To leave the ties and set off to sail the world, to permeate to the Church and to the world of the freshness of the Gospel through a simple life and stripped of everything.Another very important aspect in the life of the apostle, the messenger is just the ad, the message and its content. They will not announce themselves. They will not take your own message. They proclaim, to bring the Good News that Jesus entrusted to his disciples, and is the fundamental message of peace, because peace is the fruit of justice, because where there is peace where God is God and nothing is missing , so the desire for peace was, is and will always be the hallmark of the Christian, but above all in daily practice is where this wish will come true. "Wherever you come home say, 'Peace to this house'. If a son of peace, their desire for peace will rest on him, otherwise it will return to you. "La Paz! This is the message. Evangelizing is primarily proclaim peace, the great messianic peace which reconciles men to God and that is to reconcile men from each other, transforming their relationships and creating environments of equality and justice, a peace that frees from all bondage. This peace can only be announced by someone who has made the Gospel way of life, free from greed by someone without any desire for power. Radical poverty Francisco logo will be poverty and in all aspects. Because well, poverty is the Son of God who was rich for our sakes became poor to enrich us with his wealth. This is how Francisco gets totally resemble Jesus Christ by being a "living Gospel" ".So this is the gospel that, just heard through the heart of Francis, he sets in motion "through towns and castles, Celano-account-proclaiming the kingdom of God, preaching peace." (1 Cel 36). This will be one of the great features of the Seraphic Father until the end of his life: Peace.


What occupies handy in my reading, prayer and practice of the Gospel in my daily life?2. What do I have to leave, what I give to be a true apostle of the Gospel?3. Am I ready to leave? How, when?4. How important in my life I give to the mission, the apostolate?5. I trust fully in God's providence, or more than I trust myself when proclaiming the Gospel?6. Am I a person of peace builder in my environment?7. What kind of peace ad: the Messianic or my own interests and beliefs?8. Am I a righteous person to those around me?Simple sentenceLord, make me an instrument of your peace.That where there is hatred, let me sow love.That where there is injury, let me sow pardon.That where there is discord, I put the union.That where there is error, I put the truth.That where there is doubt, I put the FaithThat where desperation, I put hope.That where there is darkness, let me sow light.That where there is sadness, let me sow joy.Oh Lord, I do not so much seekbe consoled as to console,be understood, as to understand,to be loved, as to love.For it is giving that we receive,is forgetting himself as one lies to himself,is forgiving, as is forgiven,is in dying that we are born to eternal life.Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi.Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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