jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

God knows well your intention

Sept. 13
God commands us to love him, not to the extent and the way he deserves, because he knows the extent of our ability, and we never send or ask us what we can do, but we are commanded to love Him as our possibilities, with all our soul, all our mind and with all our heart. Well, what you do not strive to do all this? And, if you do not, why whine?, Why angst? God knows very well our intention, that is straight, which is holy to him. God knows why it allows so many wishes do not become reality, but after much effort, and that some do not get ever. Well, even in these cases, no cause to grieve in vain, because there is always profit and profit for the soul, because although only got the fruit of mortification of souls, and would be a great thing.
(June 3, 1917, at an unknown target - Letters. III, p. 918)

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