viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

EIGHTH DAY NINE: All to Jesus through Mary

To Jesus through Mary
According to biographers refer us and the many testimonies of those who knew our Fraile, devotion of P. Pius to Mary goes back to the early years of his life.
Like other mystical phenomena, followed by the attacks of Satan, taking place from 5 years of age.However, it is noteworthy that the devotion of P. Pius Mary, his "Mammusia" (Mother), as we affectionately called him was more than just a devotion. It is as solid and fundamental pillar which is sustained throughout the building of "the great mission that the Lord had given him:" Set yourself apart and sanctified. '" Obviously, the Virgin occupies in the life of St. Pius the proper place. That is, first and above all things is Jesus Christ. So just went to her and help and aid left by Mother was the bestower all thanks for the Son could not deny anything. Is "The Star safe harbor leading to Jesus Christ the Lord happy." So Mary will occupy a prominent place in the life of St. Pius. The tenderness, affection, commitment, trust, constantly look to her ... were the features, including those that P. Pio teaches us.Then we turn to some texts of Scripture to illuminate the subject, inviting everyone to "Love Our Lady, make love to the Virgin. Always pray the Rosary. "
Well, the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin has conceived and will bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.
(Isaiah 7:14).
On entering the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him, then opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
(Mt 2:11).
His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever He tells you" (Jn 2:5)

The cultic aspect for Mary that is transparent in the correspondence, and it was recommended and required by the P. Pius their spiritual sons and daughters, is deeply rooted in Catholic dogma and has very solid foundations in Christian asceticism. Most clearly be seen intimate and indissoluble association of Mary Co and dispenser of all graces Christ, the only mediator between God and men.
The role of Mary in the work of our salvation and sanctification, though very important, is always subordinate to that of Jesus.This linkage of Mary with Jesus is expressed in omens that P. Pius addressed his spiritual children and cordial greetings in almost every letter. They are points of reflection Marian and effective grounds to honor the "Mother of Jesus and our Mother."
• - << Jesus and Mary are always in your heart and your sister and I make holy >> (15-8-1914 and 19.5.1914, II, 88, 153).• - << Jesus and Mary be with you always, deliver you from evil and wicked spirit arts comforted you in all your afflictions >> (29-9-1914, II, 174).• - << Jesus and Mary will communicate the strength to fight with new push against the trickery of the evil spirit >> (30-3-1915, II, 382).• - << Mother of Jesus and our Mother always smile to your spirit of her divine Son handing all the heavenly charisms >> (11-5-1915, II, 414).• - << Jesus and Mary are always in your heart and I always do like the sweetness of the cross >> (15-3-1915, III, 61).• - << Jesus and Mary are always in your heart and make you beautiful always grow in virtue of charity which is the bond of Christian perfection >> (08.03.1915, III, 61).• - << Jesus and the Blessed Virgin will be worthy of eternal glory >> (11-12-1915, III, 549).• - << All you attend Jesus and Mary >> (07.06.1921, III, 790).• - << Jesus and Mary reign sovereign always in your heart and in your family and make you a true daughter of the Seraphic Father St. Francis and a Saint model of a Christian mother >> (18-1-1922, III, 1081) .
Not only in expressions augural of correspondence, but also in the same content of the letters is manifested in myriad ways the association of the Blessed Virgin Jesus in the application of the fruits of the redemption of souls. Invoked Jesus and Mary.
The child can not resist or refuse the pleas of the mother, and both were successful appreciate the prayers.It should be noted that Padre Pio in the same way that when Jesus speaks of love, said that should lead us to imitate his life, he also said that the true and authentic devotion to Mary was to follow the path she had traveled by love His Son.
• - << vivid I have faith that the Lord will not deny me the grace that I ask incessantly.
The hope by the hands of our heavenly Mother, whose assumption whole Church celebrates today >> (15-8-1914, II, 157).• - << Now I advise a prayer in this beautiful month consecrated to the heavenly Mother not forget to pray to this beloved Mother and with more fervor, you want to reach me a grace of his Son so necessary for my soul >> ( 05.19.1915, III, 76)• - << entrust yourselves to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and all the heavenly court, which help you to meditate well and keep you away from all distraction and temptation ... Done all this, offer it all to God along with the merits of Jesus and his Mother and our Mother. Make the offering by the hands of Mary's guardian angel, San Jose, etc. >> (16-9-1916, III, 250).• - << I urge you to do violence to the Heart of Jesus and his divine Mother requested for my release, because the need is extreme, and I can not almost more >> (4-10-1917, III, 293).• - << Beg, and importunate also urges the Divine Heart and the Virgin bandage that away from me as soon as this test, or the change in another, even doubled, but the shadow of the sacred cloister >> (17-9 - 1917, III, 426).• - << The Virgin merciful and compassionate alcanzándoos continue the ineffable goodness of the Lord for the strength to endure to the end so many proofs of love, which gives you many mortifications ... In those days help me close to Jesus and the Virgin Mother with more fervent prayer and longer >> (11-12-1916, III, 552).• - << Meanwhile you, together with the sisters and all souls united us in one spirit before Jesus, continue doing violence to the Divine Heart sweet, and your Mother and our Mother, so the sooner sad end to exile >> (27-8-1917, III, 601, cf. pg. 642).• - << Commend the Lord and the Virgin Mother, because I am in a dire need ... Requests Jesus and His Mother and our Mother the grace to see me as soon as possible free of militia >> (27-1 - 1918, III, 708).• - << Mother of Jesus and our continued alcanzándoos the strength to fight and win in fights arranged by God to lead your >> (14-7-1915, II, 462).• - << Blessed Mary will smile at all the events of your life abundantly and supplement the lack of mother earth >> (15-7-1915, III, 82).• - << I invite you now to thank the divine mercy and Heavenly Mother so great a favor >> (31-12-1917, III, 262).• - << redouble your prayers for me and the good Lord dear heavenly Mother, so the sooner you finish for me when testing >> (3-12-1916, III, 540, cf. 597)• - << Finally remember the beautiful image of the "pilot" and "star" with the P. Pius was pleased to represent the association of Jesus and Mary in bringing souls through the waves of the stormy sea of ​​the world happily until desired salvation >> port (11, 364, 373, 509, III, 55)
Countless appointments to which we can look to discover the devotion and trust that Father Pius was the Blessed Virgin. There is room for them all. Suffice it to let ourselves be such as to our worship and devotion to the Mother of God. Finally do not forget that the P. Pius is "The Rosary priest".
They deserved this title because it was constantly raising his prayer to God through Mother.
Where does Mary in my life?2. Do I know the gospel virtues she taught me?3. How do I live these virtues?4. Am I obedient when she says: "Do whatever He tells you"?5. What importance do you give to the prayer of the Holy Rosary personal and community?
Everyone can make their own questions for reflection and evaluation of life.
Humble and beloved Padre Pio:Teach us also, we pray humility of heart, to be considered among the smaller of the Gospel, to whom the Father promised to reveal the mysteries of his Kingdom.Help us to pray without ever getting tired, knowing that God knows what we need before we ask.Obtain for us the eyes of faith can readily recognize in the poor and suffering in the face of Jesus.Sustain us in the hour of struggle and testing and, if we fall, make us to experience the joy of the sacrament of forgiveness.Convey to us your tender devotion to Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother.Join us on our earthly pilgrimage toward the happy homeland, where we hope to arrive to contemplate eternally also the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
REZA three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys in glory to the Father ...
Closing Prayer:
Oh God that St. Pio of PietrelcinaCapuchin priestyou have given the signal privilegeto participate in a wonderful wayin the passion of your Son,grant us through her intercession,identify in the death of Christto share in his resurrection.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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