domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Last day of the novena in honor of St. Francis de Assisi.



"Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart" (Mt 11.191.)

Prayer before the Christ of San DamianoHigh and glorious GodHigh and glorious God,enlighten the darknessof my heartand give me true faith,certain hopeand perfect charity,sense and knowledge.

Lord, to serveYour holy and true command.Any reflection on humility have to, highlight, its specificity Christian, rooted in the person of Jesus, full of mystery and manifestation of God's revelation: his "love". On the same road of love comes Christological Francis of Assisi: humility is sister of poverty (SV 2) and the two together become a rule of life for his brothers (R 10, 1 bull Sept. 1, Reg bull. 6, 29). In humility Franciscan spirituality appears as the root of evangelical perfection: only found in faith in Christ, transcending man's natural abilities (Buenaventura, De pefectione evangelical and solutio). It is this high virtue that enveloped Francisco since that time that he met the "love of his life" "Love that gives full sway." Humility and simplicity become the banner will wave Francisco lifetime.

Humility is a general attitude of the spirit that moves to obedience to the will of God and to serving others. Traits that are among many that have been discovering the Seraphic Father. You will never tire of repeating: Only one thing is needed: "Possessing the Spirit of God within them". Only through this action of the Spirit possession and Francisco will always obey every last one of the novices who just joined the Order. This obedience to the Father's obviously leads to serve others and what seems bitter to him before the body turns into sweetness of soul, and is going to serve the poorest of the poor: the lepers, the marginalized, the "accursed of God."
Francisco is one of love for the Gospel.

With Francis we can say that God "is humility" (Praises of God Most High, 4). Humility of Christ manifested in history that humility is at the heart of the divine life is the immediate perception of his love (1 Jn 4:8,16). Did the kenosis of the Son does not refer to a kenotic mystery to be placed in the center of the Trinity? Sure! "Christ despite his divine did equality with God, on the contrary, he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being one of many. "(Phil 2:6-7). This is true humility, emptied himself to be filled with God and
the needs of individuals.
A. In T. We have the most humble person that is on the earth, as the Bible is Moses. He was the most humble man on earth had, and yet he says that no one was with God like him. Here we find two very important aspects that are closely linked and that Francis lived in a radical way: humility and encounter with God. No one comes to God, like Moses, because God speaks to Moses face to face, in the tent of meeting. And while he was the most humble person that was on the ground. Here it is clear that what generates true humility is the encounter with God.
Francisco somehow follow Christ, poor and crucified humble, but also talk to him, be seen by him, so francisco is transfigured, "Christifies".
The more we meet the Lord, authentic encounter with the Lord, friendly dialogue, listening, contemplation Moses style, more humility comes to us. More ability to recognize ourselves as we are. As we are, no more, no less. This was precisely the wealth of San Francisco: "What one is before God that is and nothing more."
How clear was it!
The result of the meeting between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God says in the revelation which has Moses in the burning bush Moses is a face that glows. To that extent is the radiance of the face of Moses, that his countrymen, his countrymen feel as dazzled by the sight of Moses.
Moses must wear a veil whenever she leaves the encounter with God.

In the miraculous catch find an event like this, which is the encounter between God and the human condition. Simon is being asked to assume the position of leader of the Jesus boat. On his own boat is visited by the Lord and have an incredible event. He has tried all night fishing with his fishing buddies.

Get nothing and gets indication offshore Jesus, obeying in faith, and fishing as he had never fished before. So many fish were taken that have to call colleagues in the other boat to help him carry the amount of fish that have been learned.
What is the reaction of Peter? "Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinner." That is, the manifestation of God's greatness, generated in recognition of Simon who is: I am a sinner.
But Jesus quickly exceeds what could have been the risk of departing from Simon, and hugs from where Simon has a better chance of discovering what your next mission, or his new mission: from now on you will catch men.
The Poverello of Assisi clearly discovered this and realized that the "company" he was entrusted was not his doing or would be the fruit of your work, your tired, your effort and vigilance, but that would grace of God and thus would have to accept it and live it. This was necessary in order to remain faithful to what God had entrusted to him.
Therefore nevertheless Francisco was the happiest man on the face of the earth, for the joy that came pouring from his Lord with which he was so Permanente.
Therefore, humility is the result of the match. The meeting places us. And the result is the radiance and joy.
The true joy springs from true humility.

left open the possibility of reflection and life review.


Hail to the virtues

Hail, Queen Wisdom,Hail the Lord with your sisterthe holy pure simplicity!Lady Holy Poverty,Hail the Lord with your sisterholy humility!Lady Holy Charity,Hail the Lord with your sisterholy obedience!Most Holy virtues, all the Lord save you,You come from and who you come!There is absolutely no one in the worldit may have one of you unless it dieshimself.Who has one and does not offend the other,has them all.And whoever offends one, possesses noand to all offended.And each confounds vices and sins.The holy wisdom confuses Satanand all his malice.Pure holy simplicity confoundsall the wisdom of this worldand the wisdom of the body.The holy povertyconfuses greed and avariceand concerns of this world.Holy Humility confounds prideand all the men of the world,and all that is in the world.The holy charityconfuses all temptationsdiabolic and carnal carnal fears and all.The holy obedienceall own confusedcorporal and carnal wills;and maintains mortifiedhis body to obey the spirit and to obey hisbrother, and is held and subjected to all menthat is in the world;and not only men, butalso all the beasts and wild beasts, that, asthey are given from above by the Lord, canmake of it what you want

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