miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012


d). Motivations

The deeper reasons valid and hope are deducted from the basics and elements of which have been mentioned above, and are most effectively move the will to put into play the supernatural. The P. Pius, as usual, does not mention a particular way, or stand in theological discussions. His statements are clear and simple to dispel the difficulties, eliminate obstacles and calm the mind.
In light of these fundamental truths safely guide the souls in search of Supreme Good and practice of this virtue.Obviously, frequently stresses the immense goodness of our heavenly Father to men and mercy to sinners, while in his faithfulness in keeping promises. This is proven by personal experience: never abandoned us in the past and it is already a guarantee that we will not be abandoned in the future, if we correspond to his kindness and faithfulness. We guarantee the "pilot" Jesus and the "star" Mary.

• << Comfort ye therefore the Lord, because your spirit has chosen God as their portion: Jesus is with you, I have so far, can not, do not want to leave you, will perfect his work >> (19-5
-1915, III, 76).• How << hesitation? Is not it our faithful God more than men for not allowing us to be tested on our strengths? >> (08/06/1915, III, 92).• Keep the scoop << your spirit the anchor strong confidence in the divine goodness Keep in mind the eyes betray the spirit this promise of God, that those who trust in him shall not be confounded >> (27-8-1915, III , 95)• << arrecien not fear storms that because the little boat of your spirit will never be buried. The heavens and earth will change, but the word of God assures us that whoever obeys sing victory will not change, will always remain indelible characters written in the book of life: I always subsistiré >> (09.08.1916, III , 247)• << A God must appeal to the assaults of the enemy, wait on him and he expected all good >> (02.03.1917, III, 414).• << do you revive to face with the war, you declare that Satan, the sweet and comforting thought that this test reportarás destruction of Satan's kingdom and unfading crown of eternal joy in the kingdom of God >> (sd , III, 726).• << not anticipate with apprehension accidents of this life, but with a perfect hope that as occurring, God, whose you are, will deliver you, He has defended far; seeks to grab either hand His providence, and he will help you on all occasions, and when you can not walk, he will lead. No topics >> (23-4-1918, III, 726).• << The rest is reserved for heaven, where we expect the palm of victory. In the land must always fight between hope and fear but agree that hope is getting stronger, while always considering the omnipotence of whom our aid >> (11-6-1918, III, 736).• << Think of the love that Jesus has for us and his interest in our welfare, and be quiet, not doubting that he will assist us with fatherly care provided against all our enemies. If it was up to us to stand, oh! would not ever. At the first blow would fall safely without hope remake. The more they multiply enemies, must leave you more confident in the Lord. He will always sustain with his arm very powerful, so you do not stumble >> (28-7-1914, II, 140).
Also consideration of divine omnipotence occupies a preeminent pedagogy of Christian hope.
The soul does not forget that Satan has been defeated and that the power of God at all times come apart enemies and all adverse forces that oppose the achievement of the ultimate goal.
Another valid reason to remain always steadfast in hope and no doubt for no reason "of the reality of things hoped for" (Hebrews 11:1) are the merits of Jesus Christ and his presence in the soul.
"Christ (Jesus) who died rather, the resurrected, is also the one on the right hand of God, who also pleads for us" (Rom 8:34)

• << Jesus comfort your spirit also killed in the stormy sea, but fear not, you do not hundiréis, the little boat pilot will always Jesus and Mary lighthouse and therefore does not need to fear >> (8-10
-1915, II, 509) -• << follow Jesus on the path of pain, always keep our eyes fixed on the heavenly Jerusalem, and all the difficulties that hinder our journey to get there, will be overcome happily >> (14-10-1915, II, 51).• << Trust and hope in the merits of Jesus and so the humble clay will become fine gold, will shine in the palace of the King of Heaven >> (04.08.1915, II, 51).• << Who has sustained so far in the physical and spiritual sufferings? It was Jesus. He has been with you, he loved you. And continue always with you, and will continue loving you. You must complete the work begun in you >> (11-4-1915, III, 148).• << No, fear not. You walk by the sea between the winds and the waves, but you're recordaos with Jesus. Who can fear? But I wonder if fear, shout loud: Lord, save me! He extended his hand, agarradla strongly, and walk with joy >> (03.08.1918, III, 580).
The transience of earthly goods and contingent claims on future goods, which aspires hope, are one reason that drives and directs the exercise of this virtue. With some frequency remembers Fr Pius. All that is contingent and transitory, even though it may be nice, good and desirable is exposed to change, has a term and can never fully satisfy the aspirations of the human heart with happiness.
Brief is pain, eternal joy, and it is precisely this imperishable bliss to which man should levarse hoping.
• How is friendly << eternity of heaven, and how miserable times of the earth!
Continually aspires to the first and despise boldly comfort and moments of this mortality >> (28-12-1917, III, 701).• << This life is short, the prize of what is done in the exercise of the cross is eternal >> (5-11-1917, III, 926).• << The children of God should care little living this very brief moments that pass, provided live forever with God in glory. Daughter, think you're already on the way to eternity thou you have already stood as long as it is for your happiness, what does it matter that these moments are transient hapless? >> (11-11-1917, III, 826).• << Oh! Why heavy for the children of God is life threatening, but the afterlife, and the mercy of the Lord is pleased to offer, how desirable it is, oh God! Certainly we should be wary of entering a day in possession of the afterlife, even when we are so miserable, and if we are not, it is because God is merciful to those who have made it their hope >> ( 03.08.1918, III, 578).
Faced with the cheerful and well motivated prospects of hope, the soul does not shrink in the path taken, not fear, nothing peat. On the contrary, with renewed effort flies higher and higher toward the object desired and loved. The P.
Pius used a range of words to indicate the subject and suggesting all aspects fit to understand better: eternal reward, the crown of glory, the heavenly Jerusalem, the possession and the vision of God, heaven, etc..
• To encourage << willingly suffer the tribulations that divine mercy sends us, we fix our gaze on the heavenly homeland reserved for us, contemplémosla with focus. Moreover depart the sight of those earthly things that distract the soul and adulterate our hearts, they make our eyes not quite there in the heavenly country [...].
Let us fix our steadily always look at the splendor of the heavenly Jerusalem >> (10-10-1914, II, 189 s).• << Is what the holy Apostle was perhaps not even the desire of the righteous souls? I really have directed them continually look to the heavenly home, and want to get out of this exile to finally join Jesus in a celestial alliance >> (23-2-1915, II, 347).• << Let us always remember that this land is a place of struggle and that in paradise you will receive the crown, this is a test site up there and receive the award, we are here in exile and our true homeland is heaven, which must continually aspire. Dwell, therefore, with living faith, firm hope and burning charity in the sky, while we are wayfarers ardent desire to one day priate God pleases, personally dwell >> (24-6-1915, II, 453).• << Unfortunately I understand that the contrast is quite hard, excruciating struggle, but think that the merit of victory is large, the ineffable consolation, the immortal glory and eternal reward >> (11-4-1915, III, 166).• << not worry about the way you walk, but I invite you to lay eyes on and guide you in the heavenly homeland, where it leads. What should the humble soul?, What should fret if the country hit in deserts or on the road? As long as God is always in it will certainly come to the promised land, what must grieve the poor thing? >> (4-11-1916, III, 257).• << Courage! We also endure the test of time and hopefully the day when we join in the land of the blessed before Jesus >> (30-10-1916, III, 479).• Thank the Lord <<, if at the end of this life you have to ask where the vision, not seeing anything, you see everything >> (11-12-1916, III, 479).• << Courage! still a little, the reward is close >> (04.06.1918, III, 862).
Lord Jesus ChristWay Truth and LifeAviva in us the desire to always see your faceIn the poor and needy.Keep me always joyful hopeFrom one day to meet with you in eternal life,You who live and reign with the FatherIn communion with the Holy SpiritAnd you are God forever and ever. Amen.
Pray three Our Fathers.
Three Hail Marys and Glory Be.
Closing Prayer:
Oh God that St. Pio of PietrelcinaCapuchin priest you have given the signal privilegeto participate in a wonderful way in the passion of your Son,grant us through her intercession,identificaros in the death of Christto share in his resurrection.

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