viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Jesus Christ fill your obraen Me

14 September

 Pray that this divine Lover, this beloved Spouse of our souls, complete the work of grace that has begun in me, poor thing. In me, his poor miserable creature, who, from birth, has proved a very special predilection, he has shown me that not only would have been my savior, my highest benefactor, but also devoted friend, sincere and faithful , the friend of heart, the eternal and infinite love, comfort, joy, relief, my treasure.
And I, alas, in the meantime, perhaps innocently and unconsciously guided my heart, ever burning with love for all and all the creatures that were pleasant and pleasing me. He has always watched over me, scolded me internally, I reproached, paternally, sweetly yes, but the rebuke was listening to the soul.
(November 1922, the sisters Campanile - Letters. III, p. 1005)

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