viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012


Prayer before the Crucifix (OrCr)

High, glorious God!enlighten the darkness of my heart.Give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity;wisdom and knowledge, O Lord,to fulfill your holy and true command.Amen.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth . So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
(Genesis 1.26 to 28).

Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Why, then, we deal treacherously against one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?
(Malachi 2:10).

Francisco has become a missionary, traveling in style brother disciples of Christ for the world. Never crossed his mind found an order, less, much less three with all its ramifications are many hundreds of them. Francisco just want to live the Gospel. But the Lord not to be outdone in generosity soon took care of that brother was not a antisigno the Kingdom. The Kingdom is communion, unity, is a place of brotherhood, equality, minority and service and if Francisco had decided, or rather if God had decided that Francisco was a sign of that Kingdom, then could not live alone evangelical adventure. It is the Lord who gives brothers. Curiously, those who previously had shared with him their different lifestyle, but moved by his words and example, joined him. The first companions, friends of evangelical youth: Bernard of Quintavalle, Peter Cattani, Gil ... among others, soon come to soon add 12 and multiply. In 1220, will 3000, in 1226 will be 5000.
Without having looked, saw Francisco was entrusted the task is both difficult and delicate of evangelical inspiration incarnate in a human-fraternity community increasingly numerous.Francis did not want to take the model of monastic life had that time. For Francis the Son of God had made way and only had to follow him, he had to be the only source of inspiration. Francisco is inspired directly from the Gospel of Jesus Christ is: "And after the Lord gave me brothers, no one showed me what to do, but the Most High Himself revealed to me that I should live according to the form of the Holy Gospel. And I had this written in few and simple words and the Lord Pope confirmed it for me. " (Test 14,15).Here are the most genuine inspiration vocational consolidation Francisco and all his followers. The new form of evangelical life is placed under the sign of the apostolic mission. The model the same Christ who walked from town to town, from village to village and later the disciples sent on mission by Christ.Following an itinerant life, apostolic necessary detachment, poverty, should live like the common people, as they work, without any ecclesiastical privilege as the result of his work does not reach to resort "to the table Lord ", ie the alms. This poverty of beggars and itinerant missionaries, the brothers live in close communion with Christ, who had not where to lay his head stone and also living on the generosity of friends. (1 Kings 9:6).Because of the mission-roaming and poverty now we find fraternity. A fraternity of equals. A fraternity that does not discriminate and that shares everything with brother and cares for him, all the same. "None of the brothers, say Francisco in Rule 1221, and has power or dominion least among them." (1 Kings 5:9).On going forged and consolidated this new lifestyle Francisco insist in season and out on that one thing is needed: "To aspire to the Spirit of God within them" nothing more. Francisco was able to find in the entire universe ever fresh presence of God, insomuch that having injected the new evangelical ideal, God himself gave him the grace to be sensitive to other creatures that exist in the entire universe. They all speak of the presence of God. All are signs of the proximity and the unconditional love of God. These are all signs of communion between God and man. Few have had the sensitivity to the Saint of Assisi had to find God in his creatures. So universal is the brother Francisco for two specific aspects, namely:After the Lord gives brothers, himself tells you what to do, but Francis does not stop with that inspiration that otherwise would be enough, no, but goes to the presence of the Pope that is the sign of the universality of the Church and it is he who confirms the new way of life, so it is a universal brother. The other aspect is precisely the sensitivity and respect for all creation. Francis discovers all of God's presence and from there, he uses the creation to praise and bless God.

REVIEW FOR LIFE1. Will I discover and live truly as someone cast the image and likeness of God?

2. Am I a sign of the Kingdom of God to others by my equal treatment for all?
3. Do I consider those who live with me as a gift from God or a burden I have to bear?
4. How important is my mission in accordance with my own lifestyle?
5. Do I feel superior to others or try to be someone fair and equal to all?
6. Am I able to discover in creating the loving presence of God?
7. What is my commitment towards the creation?


Canticle of the Creatures
Most High, omnipotent, good Lord,Yours are the praises,glory and honor and all blessing.To you alone, Most High, you areand no man is worthy to pronounce your name.
Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures,especially Sir Brother Sun,it is the day and he give us light;And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendor;you. Most High, he bears the likeness.
Be praised, my Lord,through Sister Moon and the stars;in the heavens you have madeclear and precious and beautiful.
Be praised, my Lord, through Brother Wind,and air and cloudy and serene, and every time,by which you cherish all to.
Be praised, my Lord, through Sister Water,it is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.Be praised, my Lord, through Brother Fire,through whom You light the night:And he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.
Be praised, my Lord,through our Sister Mother Earth,that sustains and governs usand produces various fruitswith colored flowers and herbs.
Be praised, my Lord,by which pardon for loveand suffer sickness and trial.Blessed are those who endure in peace,for by you, Most High, they will be crowned.
Be praised, my Lord,through our Sister Bodily Deathfrom whom no living man can escape.Woe to those who die in mortal sin!Blessedthose stored in your will,for the second death can not harm them.Praise and bless my Lord,and give thanks, and serve him with great humilityThree Reza Our Fathers, three Hail Mary and Glory Be ...

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