jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Fourth day of the novena in honor of St. Francis of Assisi: a man made prayer Francisco

Fourth day of the novena in honor of St. Francis of Assisi: a man made prayer Francisco4. FRANCISCO A MAN MADE PRAYER
Prayer to implore the Lord's Spirit at work within them to know and do his will:
Prayer before the Crucifix (OrCr)
High, glorious God!enlighten the darkness of my heart.Give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity;wisdom and knowledge, O Lord,to fulfill your holy and true command.Amen.
And he came and took the scroll from the right hand of Him who sits on the throne. When he took it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Had each a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of saints.
(Rev 5,7-8).
Another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer. He was given much incense to it, with the prayers of all the saints, the offer on the golden altar before the throne. And Angel's hand went up before God the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints.
(Rev 8:3-4).
Prayer is a topic that makes sense, fully embraces and dominates the life and personality of the Seraphic Father St. Francis.Francisco thinks and says, "Christ is necessary for life and is sufficient for life", this is his great intuition and makes "great experience" transformed in assumed life, witnessed and sacrificed. In the encounter with Christ, Francis rediscovers part of its own mystery and rediscovers the possibility of an authentic embodiment of his own humanity. Realization that had sought in other ways: in the idea of ​​becoming a knight and economic interests, toward which seemed directed more than anything, even family tradition.Instead of being a "knight" or "businessman", francisco chooses to be the opposite: "poor and humble." Christ becomes for him living Gospel. AND is humble and fervent prayer that transforms him into "another Christ".
On the slopes of the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, the apostles ask Jesus: "Lord, teach us to pray" (cf. Lk 11:1).
Jesus' answer is: "When you pray say, Our Father" (cf. Lk 11:2, Matthew 6:9).The accompanying prayer life of Jesus, "went up the mountain to pray alone" (Mt 14:23), "got up very early and went out, he went to a field and was praying there" (Mk 1:35) . And Luke 6.12: "He went to the mountain to pray, and spent the night praying to God." Jesus, besides being "man of prayer" is also "master of prayer" "Lord, teach us to pray" (cf. Lk 11:1); invites "always pray and not lose heart" (Lk 18:1), says nly one thing that is "necessary" and therefore commends Mary "has chosen the better part" (Lk 10, 41).
It is prayer that transforms lives
The almost perfect imitation of Christ makes Francisco consists above all in prayer. The grace of prayer given to Francisco through the grace of conversion. Devoutly implored divine mercy deigned to show him what to do.
The regular practice of prayer developed Francisco always stronger in the flame of heavenly desires (LM 1.4).When you receive the "gift" of the brothers and calls them "minores" encouraged to seek advice from the Lord. And all three, go to the church of St. Nicholas, where they pray: Lord God, the Father of glory, we pray that, in your mercy, we manifest what we should do. (TC VIII).Another important moment in which Francisco resort to prayer is the meeting in Rome in 1209 with Innocent III, when the pope asked the approval of their "way of life" (2 Cel 16).It was not so much a man who prayed, the more well he was all transformed into living prayer (1 Cel 95). Your safe haven was prayer, not some minute, empty or leaking, but deeply devout, humble and long as possible. If started in the afternoon, could barely leave her in the morning. He was always engaged in prayer, he walked and when he sat, when he ate and drank when (1 Cel 71).Often plunged almost daily and secretly in prayer. He was attracted by the appearance of that 'mysterious sweetness' that often penetrating into the soul, stirred up to prayer until he was in the square or in other public places (TC 8).In Rule warmly calls to prayer: God's servants must always engage in prayer. (1 Kings 7).All of us, brothers, beware that under pretext of receiving bonuses, to-do good works or pending, or deviate lose our mind and heart of the Lord ... We need to pray always without ever getting tired ...With great emphasis invited to pray at work: not extinguish the spirit of holy prayer and devotion, it must serve all other temporal things. (2 Kings 5:3).Brother Antonio wrote: I like that the Scriptures teach the friars, provided that such activity does not quench the spirit of devotion as written in the Rule. (CTA Ant).The religious must desire the grace of prayer and because of the burdens of government and the commitments of preaching must not neglect the holy and devout prayer. (PD 73).Preaching should be preceded by prayer, in fact, the preacher must first get into the secret of prayer which then poured in sermons (2 Cel 163).Friar also exercising every day the ministry of reconciliation, must prepare in prayer. Who held the position of top recommended: It applies to pray diligently distribute certain times and know his soul and others to the flock entrusted to him. Thus, in the early hours of the morning must precede the sacrifice of the Mass and recommend long prayer with himself and his flock to divine protection. (2 Cel 185. EP 80).
Prayer of Father Francisco has inspired Christological, trinitarian and cosmic.
The sources of his prayer are four: the Scriptures, the Cross, Liturgy and Creation.
a). Scripture: enough to go to any text written by Francisco and then we will realize that the source of inspiration is the Word. Specifically in the Office of the Passion of the Lord, we can discover the mysteries of the life of Christ. They meditate through a set of texts collected from various biblical psalms in the Psalter present that Francis knows by heart.
The Saint of Assisi has great reverence and esteem for the Word of God, which is the Word of the Father and the Holy Spirit's words are spirit and life.b). The Book of the Cross meditation is "seasoned" with tears in his eyes focused on the passion of Christ, pray also allows simple and illiterate monks, whose prayer is praised by the saint of Assisi: These brothers are my knights of the round table, hiding in remote and uninhabited for more fervently committed to prayer and meditation (EP 72c). Was this meditation that plunged into the joyful Francisco with his Lord, thus becoming "another Christ", because the Cross is the book of life.c). Liturgical Prayer: Francisco affectionately be penetrated by the spirit of the prayer of the Church.Francis insists praying the Divine Office. The Liturgy of the Hours is the prayer of the universal Church. Calls Francisco: All friars, clerics or laymen sena, recite the Divine Office and pray for the living and the dead according to the customs of the clergy. For the shortcomings and negligence of the monks pray daily De Profundis with the Our Father. (I Re 3).d). Another source of prayer of St. Francis is creation. It's great in this aspect Praise to God Almighty. It is the song of thanksgiving, part of what he sees, the wonders of God ... Behold the Canticle of Creatures: Most High Almighty Good Lord, Yours are the praises, glory and honor, and all blessing ... (qty 1).
May our prayer be trusted in the same way that a child trusts in his mother's arms.
Points to ponder:Each and can be freely used the following questions to meditate, or you can use your own, as the source of inspiration is to be always the Holy Spirit.
How important is for me to practice prayer life?I have been truly groundbreaking in my life after the encounter with Jesus Christ?What is the reality of my prayer today?What has it meant for me to lead a life of prayer?How do I live this experience of prayer each day?Am I among those who think that prayer is lost in time?How do I pray?What is the quality of my prayer?I reduce my prayer life marked only times in the fraternity?The Lord asks me live again that encounter with Him in prayer what extent and by what method I'm willing to do it?Paraphrase of the Lord's PrayerOh Holy Father our Creator, Redeemer and Savior dildo!Who art in heaven, the angels and the saints; enlightening to know, for you. Lord, are light; inflaming them to love, for you, Lord, are love, dwelling in them and showering them to enjoy eternal bliss, for you. Lord, you are the supreme good, eternal, from whom all good proceeds, without whom there is any good.Hallowed be thy name Thy clarified whether in news, that we may know what is the width of your benefits, the length of your promises, the sublimity of your majesty and depth of your judgments.Thy kingdom come: to reign in us by grace, and we do get to your kingdom, where the open vision of you, love you perfect, blissful union with you, the fruition of you forever.Thy will be done, on earth as in heaven so that we may love you with all my heart, always thinking of you, with all my heart, always desiring you, with all your mind, directing all our intentions to you, looking at all your honor, and with all our strength, devoting all our strength and sense of soul and body in the service of your love and not something else, and to love our neighbors as ourselves, drawing everyone as our forces, your love, rejoicing as the property of others and compadeciéndolos in our evils, and not being a stumbling block to anyone.The day our daily bread: your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, give us this day: to remember, understand and venerate the love we had and as for us said, did and suffered.And forgive us our debts: by your ineffable mercy, by the power of the passion of your Son and through the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin and all Thy elect.
As we forgive our debtors: and what is not fully forgive, do thou, Lord, that I forgive fully, to really love for you to enemies and devoutly intercede for them before you, not returning evil for evil
, and we strive to be helpful at all in you.And lead us not into temptation: hidden or manifest, sudden or persistent.
But deliver us from evil: past, present and future.
Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

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