The Helmet of Hope (1 Thessalonians 5:8)
Our soul YHVH expected, he is our help and our shield that he rejoices in our hearts, and we trust in his holy name. Be your love, YHVH, upon us, as our hope is in you. (Ps 33.20 to 22).And hope does not lack because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Romans 5:5)
Hope is the virtue of exile and the Christian is the man of hope. This is a doctrine learned and practiced in the "school of the Cross", which is filled with an atmosphere of deep serenity, joy intimate, secure certainty and optimism illuminator. The P. Pius that "this school of pain and sacrifice" was first an outstanding disciple and then an excellent and admired teacher, quickly became a staunch preacher of this theological virtue; taught to live "rejoicing in hope" (Rom 12 , 2), was able to discover and communicate the hidden treasures of this Christian virtue and was a comforter of the afflicted souls, instilling in them confidence and security, dilating the hearts and clearing the shadows of the spirit.
a). Attitude and foundation of this message
The world, which we can call the welfare society, consumerism and hedonism, has a great need for this optimistic message of hope, because despite all appearances seductive is tremendously sad and harrowing, chaotic and lacking any deep sense. And unfortunately, not even Christians breathe the comforting air of holy hope. And certainly the hope is presented as an always open window, through which light penetrates and strength, help and comfort, optimism and strength, the more necessary things, for the mysterious divine plan, we must all make the painful earthly pilgrimage, walking groping toward the most fundamental truths exposed to all kinds of tests, to conflict, to pain, to suffering, and many evils caused by sin.The P. Pius, wise and experienced spiritual director, thoroughly knows the need, the urgency of this theological virtue and surprising psychological value. It ignores or underestimates the obstacles that stand in the exercise of this virtue in order to achieve its primary purpose: this, however, it provides all the problems from the standpoint of supernatural faith in a vision, and from the visual angle hope grounded and anchored in faith, develops secure his teaching of spiritual director.The doctrine of hope in a position of foreground in his teaching. The particular state of many souls entrusted to him forced him to stop at all aspects of the subject. And we can say that in some way in the epistolary addresses all important and essential points of theology of hope: its foundations and its contents, the motivations and objects. In fact, as we shall see, the whole theme of the theological virtue of hope is illustrated in the letters of spiritual direction. Certainly not always easy, and not even possible, grouped under a common denominator thinking that hint texts, but the whole, although with some repetition, we discover its doctrine and guidance.
b). Open your heart to hope
The soul seriously committed to follow Christ, to reach Christian perfection must travel the hard road with an open heart and always generous impulse towards the end, that one day can fully satisfy all the legitimate aspirations. Therefore Fr Pio advised, proposes inculcates, never tired, hope he does trust in God and distrust in oneself.Each must be persuaded that this infused virtue is inseparable from the life of the baptized.
• << Yes, the Christian in baptism in Jesus resurrected, is elevated to a supernatural life, acquires the beautiful hope of a glorious day sit on the throne of heaven. What dignity! His vocation requires continuous aspiration of the blessed homeland, regarded as a stranger in this land of exile, the Christian vocation, say, requires not put the heart on the things of this lower world: all care, all desire the good Christian, who lives by his vocation, should be directed to procure eternal goods, must form an opinion as to the things of this world, I can do esteem, appreciate just what help the conseguimiento of heavenly, and have at vile things that do not help this end >> (16-11-1914, II, 229).
It is impossible to review all of the expressions that are used to encourage souls to hope and to always put their trust in God to help. Among the most significant highlight the following:
• << Let him walk after that sad casaco [Satan] Open your heart rather filled with a holy and enlightened trust in Jesus [...]. And do not forsake yourself, put your trust in God alone, waiting for him all the power and you do not want too be released from the present state >> (29-3-1914, II, 61-64).• Out << therefore our mood fears, open our hearts to trust, always ask Jesus this peace with a kiss from his mouth divine >> (07.09.1915, II, 305).• << must therefore hold in hope. Ascend, ascend, ever tirelessly, to the heavenly vision of the Savior, let us leave gradually from earthly affections, lay aside the old man and aspire to happiness, we are ready >> (31-10-1916, III-406 ).c). Constituent elements
No doubt that theological hope rests on solid foundations and valid and is not difficult to discover its constituent elements. The soul must earnestly and intensely desire to love God as the sole and supreme Good. Alleged our human nature, this love and this desire can not exclude that the person interested usefully, as would be temporal goods, health, the best means to achieve the end. This however, knowing the sublimity of the beatific vision and weakness and imbalance of human strength, is instinctive and almost natural fear and distrust of power and get hit with conveniently useful and necessary means. So have confidence and rest in the goodness of God, in his omnipotence and mercy. Because God is very good, so you should not be denied because it is powerful and all, will always find a way to overcome all difficulties and to remove all obstacles. This finding must originate in the soul a filial trust that honors God and makes man always wary of their forces, the pair who vigorously banishes doubts, uncertainties and fears.Easily everyone can access this area you can find these and other truths in the following texts, selected letters of P. Pius.
• Have confidence << unlimited divine goodness, that victory is absolutely certain. Is not he our God more than ourselves interested in our salvation? Is he stronger than hell itself? Who can resist and overcome the king of heaven? What are the world, the flesh and the devil, all our enemies before the Lord? >> (25-4-1914, II, 79).• << Jesus loves you all to himself, he wants you to put all your trust and all your affection in the only >> (14-7-1914, II, 129).• Do not abandon << to yourself, when the storm rages; Put all your trust in the heart of sweet Jesus >> (28-2-1915, II, 361).• Do not Abandon << rush of Satan. Your trust in God always, always ahead with it. In a special way in the test must prove this, whose end will be for God's glory and triumph for your soul >> (25-3-1915, II, 375).• << unlimited confidence in God, even when misfortune and snares of the enemy be disturbed. Who in God is abandoned, and he trusts will never be confused >> (30-3-1915, II, 383).• << meantime, distrust of divine providence, trust in God, abandon yourselves in it, let him complete care of yourself and be quiet that you will not be confused [...]. Confidence, tato, back to inculcaros, that nothing can fear a soul who trusts in the Lord and he puts his own hope >> (10-4-1915, III, 394).• << must still have great confidence in divine providence to practice the holy simplicity [...]. Well, let us also providing manna for one day, and not doubt that God will provide for skill and also for all the days of our pilgrimage >> (03.03.1917, III, 684).• << In the midst of trials, which may afflict; application giving all our good, knowing that he cares for us more than a mother to her son >> (26-11-1914, II, 246).
Another important element, the personal factor, the cooperative effort in the use of disproportionate means. Hope is not a virtue static, passive, but active and dynamic. Comporta fruitful dynamism of sanctifying activity; drives, it is true, to always rely on God's help, but without neglecting or underestimating the human contribution. In fact if anything we have to emphasize here is just that: the grand opening without limits or restrictions of P. Pius to the grace of God. Because of this complete self, God could do great and wonderful works in this humble friar. While the vision of the supreme Good stimulates desire, energy multiplies and invites to the courage and perseverance, avoiding the two extremes, the presumption and despair. In fact we discovered this very clearly in P. Pius, hoped against all hope and remained in the most transparent and true humility.
• << Fear not, I repeat, rather trust in divine mercy, humbled at the mercy of our great God and be grateful to all who want to grant you favors and already has been granted to date. >> (27-4-1917 , III, 736).• << works it will be great reward that Jesus will reserve up there >> (02.05.1923, III, 802).
In this issue and in the next I invite you to formulate your own questions or follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit for reflection. As were able to observe the subject is very dense and extensive, so everyone feel free to work it as you see fit.
Lord Jesus ChristWay Truth and LifeAviva in us the desire to always see your faceIn the poor and needy.Keep me always joyful hopeFrom one day to meet with you in eternal life,You who live and reign with the FatherIn communion with the Holy SpiritAnd you are God forever and ever. Amen.
Pray three Our Fathers. Three Hail Marys and Glory Be.
Closing Prayer:
Oh God that St. Pio of PietrelcinaCapuchin priest you have given the signal privilegeto participate in a wonderful way in the passion of your Son,grant us through her intercession,identificaros in the death of Christto share in his resurrection.
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