sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Courage and fear not. Always follow later

September 1

 Abandon what the enemy is repeatedly blowing your soul, wanting to make you believe that you are very close to losing. He despises these malicious insinuations and quiet lives, because the Lord is with you even more trouble. Sacred Scripture also assures us that a troubled soul is united to his God: "With her ​​I am, God says, in trouble." Courage, then, and fear not, because it is also true that the lost soul who fears is not lost, and that the fighting looking to God, sing victory, sing the hymn of triumph. No reason to panic, my Raffaelina, as the heavenly Father has promised us the help needed to not be overcome by temptations.
(April 10, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 393)

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